a point of contention

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Morning came, the rustling of the door handle awoken (y/n) from the plush bedding with an annoyed look. Alastor had a tray in hand with beautiful beignets and Sniffles holding onto alastors arm. (Y/n) was confused why Alastor would do such a thing, not quite mad at it but unsure why he was being pampered so much. He looked at Alastor confused, "thank you, what's all this for?" (Y/n) asked sitting up and rubbing his plastic joints.

"I just wished to pamper my wonderful Puppet," Alastor said simply with a wide smile he never seemed to drop not even around (y/n) ", especially on such a special day," he added and looked at the puppet.

"Well thank you, Alastor," (y/n) spoke worriedly about what the special day was. "I do Apologies my dream last night has me confused. What is today?" (Y/n) said in all honesty feeling bad if it was majorly important to Alastor.

Alastor chuckled and sat down in a swift motion, "the day you stumbled into my life," he said happily. "Sniffle's birthday, the day we became allies," he said simply.

(Y/n) laughed and looked at him, "I understand celebrating Sniffle's birthday but I don't count our first meeting as our first meeting. It was business, I understand celebrating our anniversary," he said leaning back picking sniffles up and giving it a gentle kiss on the top of its head. (Y/n) knew he fucked up when he saw Alastor's smile falter slightly. "Not that it isn't important but celebrating is a little much it is sniffles day Alastor," he said trying to lighten his bluntness.

Alastor just nodded, "I still wish to pamper you, I do feel like your verbiage could be better... Have breakfast with it," Alastor said coldly before walking away to cool off. 

Sniffles was playing in the powder sugar, before stopping seeing its "parents" 'argue'. (Y/n) gave a heavy sigh and looked at Sniffles who hid under the blankets. "Im terrible at this shit," he groaned and put one in his mouth to his dissatisfaction. He put the tray aside and got dressed holding sniffles in his pocket. He saw Alastor at a table he had set up in the hotel as a lounge, wearing a new suit and gentle changes to his overall appearance. "Alastor,"

"(Y/n) my dear Marionette, I would pick my words more carefully if I were you," he spoke calmly, "I do... Forgive you. It's only right I forgive you again, as to how many times you had to apologize to me. Did you enjoy your breakfast? I ate while cooking it," he said looking at the empty seat in front of him.

(Y/n) sat down and crossed his legs, "Alastor, you know I am trying," he said in a more serious tone matching Alastors tone. He kept messing up in this relationship and he felt like if he kept doing he would ruin it, "thank you for the food and Accepting." He spoke before being surprised when he felt lips on his and Alastor getting up. They hardly kissed, it made every kiss more and more special. "Are we still going to the cannibal colony?" He asked sniffles looking excited to be leaving the hotel.


"Was it supposed to hail?" (Y/n) asked keeping Sniffles dry in his pocket to avoid the puppet rusting and warping in the rain. Alastor held (y/n) close waiting out the burning hail that would be too dangerous to cross.

Alastor shook his head, "I didn't talk about this forecast on my radio my dear. It was unknown to many," he spoke catching a rock of ice in his hand before watching it melt. "Quite heavy and cold, shall I open a portal, my dear?" He asked looking at Sniffles and (y/n).

"Sadly so, " he said before looking at the shivering sniffles, "we can go out again some other time..." He said softly and sniffles looked disappointed before watching Alastor open a portal to the radio tower. As they entered the tower and (y/n) set sniffles to get warm in the dollhouse, Alastor headed to the room lighting the fireplace. (Y/n) left to join him removing his heavy coat that needed to dry. "Quite unfortunate, the hail was too dangerous for sniffles, and on its birthday," (y/n) spoke starting a conversation. Walking over to the closet to dress in warm and comfortable clothes. He dressed in the bathroom before heading back out Alastor was still in his damp clothes.

"(Y/n)?" Alastor spoke jarring (y/n) with Alastor using his real name.

"Yes?" (Y/n) said in a questioning tone, walking over to help Alastor remove his soaked layers. "What's wrong my love?" He asked.

(-minor sexual talk- skip these parts if you never mentioned a desire for something more than romance )

Alastor looked at (y/n), "Do you still have those... Thoughts?" He asked (y/n) who was only more confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked setting the male's tailcoat to dry.

Alastor chuckled, "your desire for sexual things?" He clarified wanting to have a mature conversation with his love.

"Well, yes, but I will never force you into anything ever. I never force you to kiss me or love upon me. I know you prefer our more platonic moments. " (y/n) explained sitting next to Alastor.

"When you feel like the time is right and desire something more... Not to the extent of sex, I am open to the idea. To fulfill your needs more fully. Since how often you met mine." Alastor said wanting to do this for (y/n)

"Like making out? Necking? Alastor I will only do it with your consent and if you want it to," he said worriedly.

Alastor chuckled "It will be worth it to see you happy. You fulfill my needs at a snap of my fingers, it's unfair I don't help you with your needs." He spoke and got up.

(Y/n) smiled softly and understood where Alastor was coming from. He was right, he had been wishing for more passionate things, yet always held back for Alastor. "What now?"


"I love you. Why don't we cook? Hmm? We havent cooked together in a while. What shall we make my dear? " he asked sweetly as both walked into the kitchen.


Sorry for the story of the short chapter. This is coming to an end soon and need to figure out how to wrap this all up.

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