of Mimic and Alastor (Side}

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Tapping echoed through the streets to a hotel, the hazbin hotel. How annoying it was his sister would wander so recklessly to a measly laughing stock of a "passion project" owned by much more powerful beings than himself. The male knocked on the door, though he held no respect for the operation he was going to humor them all, maybe boost his reputation in the process. When the door swung open the male was Face to face with a demon he rather respected, Alastor the Radio demon. It was hard not to admire the male cunning abilities and absolute power. "Good afternoon, Is my sibling here? She mentioned wanting to... See this attraction," he said waving a hand around the joints of the puppet creaking slightly.

Alastor smiled rather menacingly, which only annoyed Mimic with the constant battle for dominance demons held. "Mm? I do recall seeing her! She went off with Charlie for a Tour of this fine establishment," he said very chipped clashing with the quiet and serious male in front of him.

"I see, how disappointing," Mimic spoke with a smooth voice that matched the dark grayish pinks and dull colors of the male's attire. "When will they be back? I have pressing information for my dear sister," he said looking up at Alastor before checking the time.

"Not long at all, my good fellow! Why don't you come on in and wait for them to come back," Alastor spoke with a smile as Mimic sized up his words and speech patterns to see if he could trust this won't lead to his downfall for he has been hurt far too many times by men with those crafty little words. "Have a drink enjoy your stay," Alastor moved from the door and let Mimic. Alastor walks to the bar with his chin up and hands behind his back as Mimic enters not seeing any signs of flags to worry about.

"Quite an... Eccentric establishment, not to mention, for being a place of rehabilitation, the bar seems the most important," Mimic joked softly sitting down with a sense of delicacy dusting off his black slacks. "Though I am rather curious, why is such a respectable overlord like you, getting involved with such a... Pathetic project. The likelihood of a sinner desiring the moral want of being decent for entirely non-selfish reasons is quite slim? Now not to seem like I am being disrespectful, I ask this out of curiosity and purely for lighthearted conversation," he assured sitting on the stool watching as someone he could tell was from the '50s watching him from a distance.

Alastor listened to the male as he spoke, taking in every detail of the male's mannerisms. Taking in how the puppet talked a faint creak of the joints where heard, how the male's fingers twitched, and how the male emotions played through his body and less of his face and voice. Alastor chuckled and smiled widely, "Well my curious fellow! I propose another question, why not?" Alastor laughed a laugh track sounding behind him. "How humorous it will be as I watch such a powerful being as Charlie realize her plan crumbles and falls in a series of events that led to her downfall." He spoke rather excitedly and with passion, "I haven't seen this much excitement since the stock market crash!" He laughed and composed himself.

Mimice enjoyed when people were passionate about something, how when they speak about it their body language changed, and their speech patterns shift. Mimic let Alastor ramble, "I suppose that's quite a valid reason, it is why my sister came to visit. It's quite the talk of the other rings as well. Some of my hell-born companions mention it's even talked about in other rings," he said simply.

Alastor nodded and looked at the mimic finding the conversation to flow rather easy. "Well, it is quite clear why. The broadcast on the little picture show was quite the spectacle." Alastor chuckled still keeping his uncomfortable smile.

"Im not much of a Television person, Rather not support such an insufferable demon," he spoke with a hint of malice on the tips of his words.

"I see we have a common enemy?" Alastor spoke amused by that fact, finding ways he could exploit this information.

Mimic nodded, "im quite open about detesting Vox, Vox has broken my trust in the past and It's quite known about the rivalry between you two, so I have quite zero remorse about discussing this topic. Those like vox are insufferable, they should be brought down by the people they have harmed who never deserved such actions." He explained looking at Alastor who was nodding in agreement.

"It's quite unfortunate how many seem to lack a moral compass," Alastor spoke finding quite a few similarities in beliefs, and how the conversation didn't seem dry nor artificial.

Mimic tapped on the table his wooden joints creaking slightly as he moved, needing grease to smoothen out the creaky sounds. "Not many people wish to bother in developing one, quite shameful as it leads to corruption, especially in those we are meant to see as protecting us," he said having a distaste for the people who are in power, mainly for the fact they killed him, his sister, his mother, and his father. "Not to change the subject at all but I do happen to feel eyes upon me?" Mimic said with a playful undertone to his monotone voice.

Alastor was quite used to Nifty staring at any male who dared to enter the hotel. He knew her to be quite the romantic and a clingy obsessive one at that. "Oh, my good fellow! That's just nifty, the cleaner. This little doll wouldn't hurt a fly!" Alastor laughed with a smug look on his face.

Mimic nodded when he heard the door open and his sister getting along very well with Charlie seemingly bouncing up and down with her. It made him rather happy seeing her with someone appearing her age and acting her age. Conductist didn't have friends other than those who worked under her and her dear younger brother. "Mimic, oh how wonderful you came!" She said cheerfully running over to her melancholy brother. "Oh? I thought you hated other overlords awe dose by baby brother have a soft spot for one~" she teased condescendingly cupping her brother's cheeks tightly. He pulled her hands away.

"Merely passing the time," Mimic said fixing his clothes before standing up, "we have urgent business to attend to while you enjoyed your... Adventure I was working on some of your tasks, now come along, enough fun," he said to his older and taller twin who rolled her eyes annoyed to mimics amusement. "I enjoyed our conversations Alastor, till we meet again," he said giving a small charismatic bow holding his hand out which alastor shook. He quickly snapped straight and begin walking towards the door his sister was following, leaving Alastor and the other hotel staff alone once more. In Alastors hand was a simple card, a business card,

'till we meet again, Alastor the radio demon. (861)-568-5278'
~ Mimic the fashion demon.

"Did you plant the card?" Conductist spoke still coming off her high of being around another high-energy person. "I wouldn't be mad if you didn't, it was quite fun, despite the project not being the most thought out and like Charlie being so naive. Plus like I haven't seen you talk to an overlord in a casual way or like a more powerful demon in general because of the whole you and vox thing?" She said comfortable in the car.

Mimic looked at her, "I did, yes. But don't get your hopes up, I don't see myself ever falling for Alastor, vox was my first and last in hell, I vowed and promised myself. You should never trust a man who could pull anyone he wants. You are fortunate to have Your significant other, he is one of the few decent people in hell," mimic spoke looking at his sister who looked annoyed with her younger brother's seriousness.

"Humor the idea, im sick of seeing my hopeless romantic brother so... Unrelaxed. What happens when I move out to start my family? You would be alone most of the time?" She said putting a hand on her brother's shoulder, "you need to let the stick you shoved up your ass go, let yourself feel again," she spoke softly.

"When I let myself feel my emotions cause harm. I will think about it but I won't ever fully act on my feelings. I will never fall in love with Alastor,"


Just a small Lil one shot to help me get into the swing of writing again hope you enjoy some cannon mimic and Alastor lmk if I should make more 💕 see you soon my lovely leaves

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