i will be fine

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"(Y/n)!" Alastor said in a panic holding him up he put pressure on the wound. The tendril pierced the demon who shot at the male before taking it to Alastors personal enclosures. He held (y/n) up, holding him close in a protective manner.

"Fuck, this is the worst pain, and I have been shot many times," he joked wincing holding his stomach. (Y/n) been shot beforehand lived he had been through much worse in hell and lived. "I feel lightheaded," he laughed softly feeling like he was about to pass out. He leaned heavily in Alastors arms holding the wound.

Alastor wasn't pleased that (y/n) was making jokes about it but was extremely worried about the male. He gently moved to sit down holding (y/n) carefully in his arms looking to see who he could cash in a deal with for the bleeding male. His sister looked over to the males her eyes wide and she sprinted over to her brother.

"Fuck! Alastor what happened!?" She rushed grabbing bandages they could use till they got to the hotel. "Fuck fuck fuck!" She started to panic. She already lost two family members to guns. "(Y/n),"

(Y/n) looked at his sister, "you both are dramatic..." He said out of breath, "I have been shot, stabbed, and beaten plenty of times. It just hurts," he groaned not needing this after being shot twice in his side. "I'm going to so pass out, this pain is way more than normal " (y/n) mumbles seeing double from blood loss and pain. (S/n) wrapped (y/n)'s chest tightly to stop the blood as bests she could till back at the hotel.

Angel and cherry got curious and picked up the gun that she assumed (y/n) were shot with unloading it to find angel bullets. "Uhhh well fuck! These fucker used Angel bullets! How did that fucker even get his hands on these!?" She said grabbing the gun and putting it in her bag. Angel was looking at (y/n) with worry now

Alastor's eyes went on (y/n) who was pretty much unconscious, and alastor was much more urgent now, he had a favor he could cash in for the male. He picked (y/n) up without any struggle and opened a portal up to the hotel. Husk saw the limp (y/n) and the furious Alastor he cleared off the bar counter and let Alastor set (y/n) on it. He was going to make that overlord pay, he couldn't get Vox for hurting (y/n) but he would sure as hell would get the other want to be overlord. (S/n) cherry and Angel all were going to tend to (y/n), Charlie and Vaggie worriedly ran over.

Alastor was twitching slightly static blaring loudly as he called in a favor. A short fish-like demon appeared holding some sort of tube of sorts dropping it at the sight of all the demons. "Alastor! I- what is it that you need!' The smaller demon asked worriedly seeing alastor furious. He smiled awkwardly hiding his face his lab goggles covering his eyes. He lifted them looking to see the body of (y/n)

"I'm cashing in our favor, Baxter " Alastor walked over to (y/n) who was soaking the bandages. "Be the hotel's medic and fix him," he demanded. Baxter hated being near people, he hated people, he hated performing his science in person and he hated being seen for medical use.

"I well, I would need to take him to my lab to properly patch him... They... I don't know, up up," Baxter said the anxiety and jumpy demon said fixing his trench coat. Looking at (y/n) critical condition who was somehow clinging on.

"Do it here brin-" alastor was cut off when he saw (y/n) move to talk.

"Let him get what he needs to be done." he groaned his words soft but understandable, "Baxter, do what you need to do," (y/n) said softly before going back out holding his side where the bullets had pierced the plastic shell into the fleshy insides.

Baxter greatly appreciated this, finally, someone respected his science. Alastor opened a portal to Baxters Lab (s/n) tried to follow but the portal closed before she could. "(Y/N) ALASTOR OPEN UP," she begged not wanting to leave her brother. She had left her mother and father to bleed out from gunshots.

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