Chapter 4 - Fighting and Warning

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So guys here is the next update

The next day
At Kohli house
Ranbir got ready and when he was about to go Pallavi asked him

Pallavi: "Ranbir , is it necessary to go today? I mean I know what happened yesterday in college"
Ranbir then glared at Aryan and asked him: "Now who all are left for you to tell this?"
Aryan: "Dude if I tell them only, then can do something for you right?"
Ranbir: "No it's ok, mummy I am fine, come let's go" He then left from there followed by Aryan and Mishti.

Pallavi, to Vikram: "When will we get our old Ranbir back, Vikram?"
Vikram, sadly: "Don't know"
And then he left from there and Pallavi stood there sadly.

At the college
Ranbir, Aryan and Mishti reached the college, and there Ranbir bumped into Tanya, and she immediately got lost in him, he noticed this and felt uncomfortable, so he left from there

Tanya's gang came towards her and asked her
The girl: "Who is this guy?"
Tanya, in her own world😒😒: "Don't know"
The girl: "Arey he is the one with whom Varun had a fight with yesterday"
The girl: "Looking at him he looks like a pakka nerd, a pakka studios guy" To which Tanya got confused.
Tanya: "No seeing him I am feeling he is a pakka gentleman" And she again got lost in him.

Later at the library
Tanya was looking at some book and then one guy came and silently made everyone to get out from the library and finally he reached in front of Tanya, she noticed him and started getting scared

Tanya: "Va....... Var......... Varun"

Varun: Yes, it's me sweetheart, what did you say yesterday, that you weren't fine meeting me right, now see how I will force you to make you feel fine meeting me"
And then he caged her between her arms and he held his arms on her shoulders and was about to kiss her , but then someone tapped his shoulders from the back and that someone happens to be Ranbir!!!

Ranbir: "Ohhh I am sorry, I wanted to take this book, so sorry for interrupting"
Then Tanya taking as an opportunity ran away from there and Ranbir was confused seeing this, he turned towards Varun and he punched Ranbir on his face and blood started coming out from the corner of his lips.

Varun: "Why you always try to come between me and my business?"
(Ranbir started clenching his fists) "Yesterday I warned you right that if you will come in between me and my business , then you will face the worst consequences
Ranbir was getting so angry and was clenching his fists, then Varun slapped him and gave him an angry look and left from there, Ranbir who was clenching his fists controlled himself and wiped off the blood stains and left from there.

Outside the library
Tanya came with the principal to meet Ranbir
Tanya: "Sir Varun tried to molest me, and this Ranbir was the only witness and he saved me"
Principal: "Ranbir, whatever Tanya is telling, is it the truth?"
Varun was hiding and seeing it and Ranbir noticed this, Varun was blackmailing him with his signs and Ranbir looked at the principal.

Ranbir: "Sir I didn't see anything"
Tanya, shocked: "Hey you why are you lying?"
Ranbir: "Where am I lying? I am telling you the truth only sir, I didn't see anything and I don't know anything, I am sorry"
Principal: "Okay fine" And then he left from there.

Tanya, got so angry: "What the hell? Why didn't you support me? You look like a complete nerd only, why do you even keep a moustache and a beard?"
Ranbir, confused: I didn't keep any moustache or a beard, it came by its own only"
And everyone laughed hearing him.

Tanya: "Ohhh joke, see I will not leave you nerdy person"
Ranbir: "Okay okay fine, why are you getting angry and shouting at me? Varun will be definitely punished for this.
Then he looked towards Varun and smirked evilly: "If not someone will punish him
And then Varun left from there and Ranbir stood there standing and smirking evilly.

Later at the basketball court
Varun and his gang was playing football there
The guy: "Arey yaar Varun enough yaar, how much you will play?"
Varun: "No yaar, today I am in great mood, I kissed her, and that nerdy person also didn't give my name, I gave so much that he will not even open his mouth, so why to worry yaar, I am in so much good mood, if you guys want you can leave, I want to play some more time"

The gang: "Okay fine"
And then his gang left from there and Varun was playing and at that time suddenly the lights got switched off and he got shocked and scared.

Varun: "Who switched off the lights?"
Then someone just punched him on his face.

Varun: "Hey who is doing this?" Then again he got punch on the other side of his face "Hey who is doing this?
Like this he got several punches on his face and he started getting very scared: "Arey who is doing this to me yaar?"
Then he got a kick which made him flip and fall down with a thud on the floor and then at that time the lights got switched on and first he got a blurred vision and then finally he saw who it was and that someone happens to be

Varun: "Hey who is doing this?" Then again he got punch on the other side of his face "Hey who is doing this? Like this he got several punches on his face and he started getting very scared: "Arey who is doing this to me yaar?"Then he got a kick w...

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Varun: "Hey you nerdy person"
He was about to punch him but Ranbir took his hands and twisted behind and he sprained his hands like anything which made him wince in pain.

Varun took his other hand to slap him but Ranbir held his hand and twisted like anything which made his bones to get cracked and he was wincing in pain

Ranbir then twisted his neck like anything and brought his face towards the ground with a thud like anything.

Then Ranbir twisted his both legs and broke the bones of both of his legs, and again punched on his face and kicked him which made him to flip entirely and fall on the ground with a thud.

Varun was crying all the time wincing in pain, Ranbir came towards him and held his cheeks
Ranbir, acting like having concern: Ohhh you're having a lot of pain, Aww, I cannot do anything, I told you right that you will definitely get punished or else someone will punish you for your deeds done today, so from now onwards you will not do such crimes against girls and ladies, and if you do like that again then I will make you remember this twisting and cracking once again, and if you dare tell about all this that happened now to anyone, then you will be facing even more worst pain, I hope this got cleared onto your head now atleast"
And Ranbir got up and left from there dribbling a football he got in that basketball court leaving Varun so shocked like anything.

So guys here is the update , I hope you all liked it

Should I give the next update today only ?????

Question of the day
1) Was the update good ???????

PranbiRxSidneeT please do tag all the members

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Yours lovely writer

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