Chapter 22 - Preparations

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So guys here is the next update

Prachi's room

She was staring out of the window, staring at the moon, lost in her thoughts. She was thinking about what happened earlier and grew sad.

Rhea/Shahana came there and hugged her.

Prachi: 'What happened? Why are you both so tense?'
Shahana: 'We didn't like the way Papa talked to you. Why is he so harsh with you?'
Prachi: 'It's okay, Shahana. I always told you that he wants the best for me, that's why he keeps pushing me.'
She has always lied to them about Abhi's behaviour towards her. They didn't need to know what Abhi did to her parents.

They both hugged her once again when Prachi's phone rang. She picked it up and was happy to hear her childhood friend, Sakshi.
Sakshi, excitedly: 'Prachi..... Thank God, it's your number. You don't know how much I searched for this.'
Prachi, happily: 'It's been such a long time. How are you?'
Sakshi: 'I am good, and I called to invite you.'
Prachi, confused: 'Invite? For what?'
Sakshi, excitedly: 'Prachi, I am getting married.'
Prachi: 'Really. Congratulations.'
Sakshi: 'Thank you but only congratulations is not going to work, you need to come. I need my best friend.'
Prachi turned worried and as the phone was on loud speaker, Rhea/Shahana heard everything.

The three sisters exchanged looks as Sakshi continued: 'It's going to be three days starting from tomorrow.'
Prachi, trying to avoid it: 'Sakshi, you know right, college just started and that too medical, i wouldn't be able to miss it.'
Sakshi: 'Yaar, Prachi, please come, I am going mad here.'
Prachi: 'Sakshi....'
Sakshi: 'I won't get married if you don't come.'
Prachi, helplessly: 'Ok, ok. I will try.'
Sakshi: 'That's better.'
They talked for a bit and then hung up.

Rhea: 'Try to talk to Dad. I am sure he will agree.'
Prachi nodded but was still tense.

After some time

She finally gathered the needed courage and went to Abhi's room. He was checking an envelope when she knocked.
Abhi turned to her and signed her to come in. He took his seat and asked her the matter.
She took a deep breath before explaining the situation.
Abhi: 'Don't you think that you are going out too much these days.'
She looked down avoiding his piercing gaze.

Prachi: 'I tried to refuse but she is insisting. This will be the last time, please.'
'Let her go, Dad.'
Prachi turned around confused and saw Rudra.

Prachi, to herself: 'Why is Rudra being so nice?'
Rudra: 'Come on, Dad. Prachi has always obeyed us, from childhood, we can at least let her go for some days.'
Abhi: 'Ok, if you are saying but only for three days, Prachi. You will be on the way home as soon as the wedding is over.'
Prachi nodded and left from there lost in her thoughts. She was thinking about Rudra. He never helped her, instead if he had stopped her, it would feel normal but not right now.

Back in her room

Prachi was trying Ranbir's phone but it wasn't getting through. She then received a message stating that he was driving and he will call her as soon as he reaches his destination. She started to pack her belongings for 3 days but the problem is that she would leave without meeting Ranbir.

Early next morning

Prachi was all set to go and Rudra was actually dropping her. Abhi wouldn't let her go alone, that's why Rudra was going with her.

In the car

It was a complete silent ride until Rudra spoke.
'I hope you will behave there and don't do anything stupid like you have been doing these days.'
Prachi just nodded.

She wanted to ask him as to why he didn't tell anything about her and Ranbir to Abhi. She normally would keep her questions to herself and her mouth shut, but don't know why she wanted to ask him today.

'Why didn't you say anything to Dad?'
He chuckled and then turned to face her: 'Don't think that I was protecting you or that bastard... Dad is already worried about other things, that's why I did this. And that boy, I can handle him on my own.'

Prachi: 'Don't hurt him.'
Rudra, smirking: 'I won't if you stay away from him.'
Prachi looked away, she would not agree to him, she promised Ranbir.

The rest of the car ride went without any conversation, the only thing was the loud music played by the audio player in Rudra's car.

They finally reached the venue. It was a hotel and all the functions would be there only. As soon as Prachi stepped down, she felt something weird but didn't pay attention to it.
Rudra: 'Oh madam, take your bags and leave.I have other work as well.'
Prachi eventually took out her bag from the car and entered the hotel. Rudra left from there as quickly as possible.

Prachi went to the lobby and gave her details.
Suddenly, she heard her name being called out excitedly: 'Prachi......'
As Prachi turned, a girl engulfed her in her arms. She knew it was Sakshi but in front of her stood the boy she actually wanted to see last night.

He stood there with the brightest smile possible seeing her. Even she was very much surprised.
Sakshi: 'I am so happy that you came.'
She smiled at Sakshi but her eyes were on someone else.

Sakshi: 'Here meet my fiance, Arjun and his friend Ranbir.'
Prachi shook hands with both boys while Ranbir had a mischievous smile on his face.
Ranbir: 'Nice to meet you, Miss Prachi.'
Prachi, trying to hide her smile: 'Same here.'

Arjun: 'Finally, I am meeting Sakshi's best friend, she wouldn't shut up about you.'
The trio chuckled while Sakshi hit him lightly.

The lady at the reception came to them: 'Ma'am, actually there is no room available.'
Sakshi: 'How? I booked Prachi's room.'
Lady: 'But your mom cancelled the room saying she wasn't coming.'
Sakshi: 'What do we do now? There is no room available.'
Ranbir: 'She can stay with me.'
They all looked at him. Arjun slightly hit him.

Ranbir, covering it: 'I mean, we boys will spend the night outside the rooms all night. So she can stay there. I will use it only to change.'
Arjun: 'He is not wrong.'
Sakshi: 'If Prachi has no problem then it's fine. Prachi?'
Prachi: 'Yeah, it's ok.'
Sakshi: 'Great then. I will show you the room.'
They were about to leave but Arjun and Sakshi's parents called them.
Ranbir: 'You guys go, I will show her the room.'

Ranbir brought Prachi to their room and locked the door. He excitedly hugged her while she was surprised.
Ranbir: 'You don't know how bad I was feeling that I left without meeting you but see, God brought us together. I am so happy.'
He once again hugged her.

Prachi: 'Couldn't you tell me where you were going?'
Ranbir, sheepishly: 'Sorry.'
Prachi: 'We will enjoy these three days without any worry.'
He grew surprised seeing her excitement.

Ranbir: 'Wait a second, where is my Prachi? Who are you?'
Prachi: 'Baklu, it's a wedding, we will enjoy it fully.'
Ranbir: 'Ok, ok Chikchiki. As you wish.'
This time, Prachi hugged him tightly. He also reciprocated the hug without any delay.

So guys here is the update , I hope you all liked it

Precap :- Wedding preparations and ofcourse pranbir romance 😁😁😁🙈🙈🙈

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1) Was the update good??? Did I make you all happy with this update???

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Yours lovely writer

Yours lovely writer Sudha

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