Chapter 42 - Next move

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So guys the next update a long time😅

So guys here is the next update, I hope you guys will like it😊

At Ranbir's room:
Ranbir was lying down with his eyes closed and at that time Vikram came there.
He sat next to him and caressed Ranbir's hairs to which he stirred and woke up.
He saw his dad sitting there and sat straight.

Vikram: (approaches Ranbir and sits down) "Ranbir, my son, why are you sitting here so silently with your eyes closed?"

Ranbir: (opens his eyes and sits up straight) "Oh, Dad, I didn't realize you were here."

Vikram: "I came here to talk to you. Your mother Pallavi and I bumped into Tanya on the way, and she mentioned something interesting. She said she wouldn't go against your wishes and wants you to reunite with Prachi."

Ranbir remains silent, looking away.

Vikram: (concerned) "Ranbir, I can see that you've changed a lot during these past five years in jail. You've become a stern introvert who doesn't talk much. But I can't bear to see you like this. Your happiness means everything to me."

Ranbir: (pauses, his gaze distant) "Dad, I appreciate your concern, but I don't want to talk about Prachi or consider reuniting with her. Those years in jail changed me. I've grown distant and guarded, and I've learned to keep my emotions to myself."

Vikram: (sighs, realizing the depth of Ranbir's transformation) "I understand, Ranbir. These years have been tough on you, and I can't imagine what you've been through. But please remember, I'm here for you, no matter what. If there's anything you ever need, don't hesitate to let me know."

Ranbir nods silently, acknowledging his father's words.

Vikram: (softly) "Ranbir, I just want you to know that I love you. We'll find a way to navigate through this difficult phase together. You don't have to face it alone."

Ranbir looks at Vikram, his eyes revealing a glimmer of gratitude: "Thanks dad!"

Vikram: (expresses concern) "Ranbir, I can't help but notice how much you've changed. Before all this, you were always so full of life, jolly, and outgoing. But now, you've become so stern and introverted. It's like you're a different person."

Ranbir: (pauses, his expression distant) "Dad, the Ranbir you knew before... he's gone. Those years in jail, the experiences I went through, they changed me fundamentally.
I've had to build walls around myself to survive. This is who I am now."

Vikram: (saddened) "My heart breaks to hear you say that, Ranbir. I miss the son who used to laugh, who used to bring joy to everyone around him.
But I understand that life has dealt you a difficult hand, and you've had to adapt to survive."

Ranbir: (emotionally) "Dad, I appreciate your memories of the old me, but that Ranbir is buried deep within the past.
I've had to put on this stern facade to protect myself. It's the only way I know how to cope with the pain and loneliness."

Vikram: (softly) "Ranbir, I can't pretend to know what you've been through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. No matter how much you've changed, you're still my son, and I love you unconditionally.
If there's anything I can do to help you find your way back to happiness, please let me know."

Ranbir: (a hint of vulnerability in his voice) "Dad, I know it's hard for you to understand, but this is who I've become.
I appreciate your love and concern, and I know you're trying to help. But right now, I need to figure things out on my own, in my own way."

Vikram: (with a mixture of sadness and determination) "Ranbir, I may not fully comprehend the depth of your pain, but I won't give up on you.
I'll continue to support you, even if it means giving you the space you need. Just remember that you're not alone in this journey."

Ranbir: (nods silently, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes) "Thank you, Dad. I may have changed, but knowing that you're there for me means more than words can express.
I'll find my way, even in this new version of myself."

Ranbir then looks away and stands apart and Vikram comes towards him and sees Ranbir looking stern.

Vikram: "What happened, my son?"

Ranbir: "Dad, I... I don't know what I want anymore. It's all so confusing."

Vikram: (concerned) "I can't bear to see you like this, my son. Your happiness means everything to me. I want to see that smile back on your face."

Ranbir: (sighs) "Dad, I'm torn. I don't know if we can ever go back to how things were."

Vikram: (determined) "Ranbir, I won't let you give up without a fight. I'll go to Prachi, find her, and bring her back to you.
Maybe if you both talk, you can work things out and find a way to be together again."

Ranbir: (looks at Vikram with a glimmer of hope): "Do you really think that's possible, Dad?"

Vikram: (placing a hand on Ranbir's shoulder) "Son, love has the power to conquer all. If you still have feelings for Prachi and she feels the same way, then there's always a chance. I'll do everything I can to make it happen."

Ranbir pauses, his eyes filled with longing: "Ok dad"

Vikram: (smiling warmly) That's my boy. We'll find a way, Ranbir. Together, we'll bring back the happiness you deserve.

To which Ranbir held Vikram's hands in gratitude and left from there to his room.

Next day:
Vikram gets ready and Pallavi looks on tensed as he is going to that place where the dangerous don Abhi stays.

Pallavi: (looking tense) "Vikram, are you sure about going to that place?
It's where the dangerous don Abhi resides. I can't help but worry about your safety."

Vikram: (calmly) "Pallavi, I understand your concerns, but we can't let fear dictate our actions. I
have to do this for our son, for Ranbir's sake.
I want to bring Prachi back, not for any other intentions. I believe there's a chance to mend things between them."

Pallavi: (still tense) "I know you have good intentions, Vikram, but it's a risky situation. That place is known for its danger and unpredictability. I can't shake off this feeling of unease."

Vikram: (assuringly) "Pallavi, I appreciate your worry, and I'll tread carefully. I won't put myself in unnecessary danger.
I genuinely believe that Prachi's presence can bring back the light in Ranbir's life. We need to give them a chance to reconcile."

Pallavi: (reluctantly) "I understand your determination, Vikram.
Just promise me that you'll prioritize your safety above everything else. We can't afford to lose you."

Vikram: (firmly) "I promise, Pallavi. I'll take every precaution necessary.
Our family's wellbeing is paramount to me. I'll do everything in my power to ensure a safe return."

Pallavi: (still worried but with a hint of resignation) "Alright, Vikram. I'll trust your judgment and allow you to go. But please, be cautious and don't underestimate the risks involved.
Our happiness depends on your safe return."

Vikram: (gratefully) "Thank you, Pallavi. Your trust and support mean the world to me.
I'll bring Prachi back, and we'll find a way to bring happiness back into Ranbir's life.
I love you, and I'll be back as soon as I can."

With Pallavi's worried gaze following him, Vikram gathers his resolve and leaves to meet Prachi. His intentions are pure, driven solely by his desire to reunite her with Ranbir and restore their happiness together as a family.

So guys here is the next update , I hope you all liked it😊
Please vote and comment😊
Yours lovely writer

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