Chapter 9

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*Celosia "Robin" Douglas's POV:

(Takes place at the same time as the end of chapter 8)

"Meet me at the pharmacy room around eleven tonight. Tell Kimberly too. There is something I must share with you and the others," Danny explained. His eyes were frantic and his voice quivered. It looked as if he had been hiding something from us.

"What's going on?" I asked. I needed him to go more into depth with what he was talking about. Instead, he walked away, and I was left there near my bedroom section. Dumbfounded.

"Celosia?", a feminine voice called. I turned and noticed Gaia. I felt my stomach heat up as blood rushed to my face. I wanted nothing to do with her, not after her brushing off my feelings and didn't even bother to help when I found out I would be kicked out the shelter if I didn't find food by the deadline. My fiery orange eyes glew as I looked at her with annoyance.

"I wanted to tell you-"

Her voice trembled. Her words were stuck inside of her throat and barely made it to the tip of her tongue. She began playing with her fingers. She always did that when she was nervous.

My anger turned into curiosity as the heated feeling I had in my body when away.

She let out a deep sigh.

"I wanted to tell you that you have been looking a little pale lately. I think you should try and get a break and-"

"There are no rooms for breaks Gaia, like have you not been present this whole time?! I have to constantly go outside and hunt for wild animals and fish to satisfy four hundred people in the shelter, all because I made a mistake and trusted someone who let me down. I don't need any more lectures of how bad I fucked up!" I lashed out at her. It took every inch of my body to control the fire that was ready to come out of me. I wasn't in the mood to hear anymore her unwanted nagging about my fuck-ups and my flaws. "Anytime you talk to me, it's always about something negative that I am doing, at this point, just leave me alone", I finished before walking away from her. I stopped dead in my tracks and remembered something.

"Also, Danny wants to talk to us in the pharmacy section at eleven tonight. Tell all of our friends. I need to be alone."

"Okay", Gaia responded in a monotone voice that was followed by an eye-roll. She walked into our second bedroom section to fetch for our friends.

I did feel bad for yelling at her, but I felt as though I shouldn't. I shouldn't have felt any sympathy for her, just like she didn't have any for me all these years. I walked to the garden section and slammed the door behind me.

I slid down the door onto the floor as I looked up towards the ceiling. My eyesight blurred, and I could barely see within the dark room I was in. I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I wailed intensely as I buried my head into my knees. My mind was constantly racing. In this place there was always something to be worried or concerned about, and never a time to relax. I saw where Hikari was coming from, but I also saw where her dad was coming from with "not having any other choice". It was either here or death, but who's to say if we will survive another year in here. It's either we will starve, get hypothermia, or go insane. The electricity shut down and the main door wasn't working anymore. We had to leave it open, but it became more and more cold by the day.

For the last two weeks I have felt nothing but intense anxiety, more than I have ever felt since the day we came here. The worst part was that there was nothing I could do about it. I put this on myself...I trusted someone who I shouldn't have with our food, water and supplies. The only person I could turn to was Kimberly and she could only do so much to help me.

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