Chapter 21

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*Gaia King's POV:

"We need to see what's up, follow me", I said, getting up from my seat. I grabbed Celosia's hand as we made our way through the door.

"Damn, I guess I wasn't the only person drunk last night," Kimberly joked as she got up from her seat and followed.

"Kim, this may be serious", I said in annoyance as she followed us out the door.

Alex stayed behind with Ashley and Sargent Thompson. Hikari wanted to go but Tyler convince her to wait there.

"What?! What the fuck are you saying?!", I heard Beval shout from down the hallway. Danny shushed him and guided both Shimizu and Beval to a room with cleaning supplies. A janitorial closet.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted, trying to catch up with them. They looked our way before Danny guided us into the janitorial closet. It was a bit small but all of us could fit in. It smelled of mildew with a mixture of bleach.

"It's the Vodka isn't it?", Kimberly joked before Celosia elbowed her.

"Listen. I had a vision while we were inside the office. If you saw me zoning out that's why. I already revealed this to Shimizu and Beval, but in two days, our home shelter will be raided by the F.E.M.A officers. I don't know how, or who told, but somehow they know where it is. We have to head back to California! Now!"

I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do or what to say. My parents and my older brother Thomas was still there. Isabella was still there and will be due soon. Beval and Robin's parents. Noah! Katie! Shimizu's dad! Hikari's friends! They are still there and struggling just to get by while we promised to find Shimizu and come straight back. Yet, we stayed a couple weeks, lallygagging and getting involved in things that we shouldn't have. Had we just have Shimizu come back with us, we may've all been brought to this shelter where there's more room, food, activities and we didn't have to worry about the corrupted mess of the U.S.

"Oh my god! What?!" How did this happen?!", Kimberly shouted. We all shushed her.

"Don't be so loud. We don't know who may be listening. All we know is that there's a betrayer among us."

"How do we know who that is? I want to go back home! My parents are still down there!", Celosia pleased asked on the verge on tears. Shimizu wrapped his arms her, worry in his eyes as well.

I held on to Beval's hand as we both tried to keep it together and not panic.

"Listen and listen to me carefully. We raided a experimental concentration camp, we crossed the ocean to find Vulcan Island-"

"Danny, please don't start", Beval pleaded in annoyance.

"JUST...listen", Danny raised his voice. "We have done things people can only imagine. You were all 14  and 15 years old at the time when we defeated W.E.A. Yes, our missions caused the death of both Kamryn and Mohammed, bless their souls. But now, you are all 20 and 21. Grown adults capable of keeping it together, but, I'm not going to be the only one planning anymore. Shimizu will help me."

Shimizu looked a bit suprised when Danny said those words.

"I may have the strategy, but you have the military experience. That's needed in this case. We ALL need to keep our heads and plan efficiently. But first we need to relax and take some deep breaths. We have a couple hours to plan our way back to Northern Cali and get everyone out of the shelter and away. It must be quick, but sane and quiet."

"You're right", Shimizu agreed with a head nod.

"Okay. Should we tell anyone?", Celosia asked.

"No. We shouldn't.We shouldn't tell anyone outside of this group about this plan...but Trevor. I will hire Trevor to take us back to Northern Cali by plane. The fastest plane we have", Shimizu responded.

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