Chapter 17

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*Shimizu Hada's POV:

I awoken, squinting from the blurry light on my ceiling. I put my glasses on, my eyes beginning to adjust from blurry into 20/20 vision. A deep yawn escaped from my mouth as I turned my body over to my right.

I tried to sleep these mixed emotions off but I couldn't. Imagine not only seeing your sister and best friends again for the first time in precisely five and a half years, but also learning that your mom passed away that long ago and you never even knew. I didn't have the time to grieve though. I had to pull myself together and focus on the mission.

I wanted to break down and sob, but this mission had to go as planned.

We lost a few people from previously failed assassination attempts and they were surely dead by now. Thankfully, they never revealed who they worked for. Every chance we got, we honored them. I thought about how weird it was seeing my sister and friend's faces again.

Most of them looked so different.

Gaia wasn't as skinny as she used to be. She had an average built, but was more developed. Her hair was also out. As a teen it was always braided or in buns.

Hikari looked the same somewhat, just taller but with shoulder-length hair that wasn't in pigtails anymore.

Kimberly grew her hair down to her shoulders with bangs, but still had those striking gray eyes that could look through your soul to find any evidence of fear.

Beval had his hair in a man bun with a couple of faint gray hairs. He had a stubble beard and his braces were gone.

Danny grew a beard, but that's all that changed about him.

Robin...was just as gorgeous as the last time I saw her. Her body was still athletically in shape. Her hair was longer, reaching down to her lower back, but was now in a high ponytail. She gave off a more settled, more feminine vibe now.

When I reunited with her, I was expecting a punch to the arm or a loud lecture about how stupid I was for not coming back to find them. She didn't give me that. She was shy, reserved, and seemed scared to even be near me.

I understood. Last time I saw her, I told Danny to give her a letter I wrote on a piece of clothing explaining my feelings for her. I was almost sure I made her uncomfortable. I had urges to ask about it, but it would be wrong to ask. I'm was in a relationship.

Growing up, I rambled on and on about Robin to Ashley. The whole time, Ashley had feelings for me. For a while, I asked myself if it was the right choice to date her, or if I was just doing it to distract myself from the girl part of me still loves.

My thoughts were interrupted by three knocks on my door.

"Who is it?", I asked in annoyance. I just wanted to be left alone for just a few minutes. The consequences to being leader was that everyone was always turning to me for help.

"Come on, don't be like that, it's Beval."

I swung the covers off of me and jumped out from my bed before running towards the door. Unlocking it and swinging it open, I ended up startling him.

"Oh, sorry, I guess I opened it too swiftly. I was just really excited," I chuckled in embarrassment.

"Really? Excited for what?", he asked with a confused smile.

"To see you of um, what's up?" I asked awkwardly, placing my hands on my waist.

"Oh, you know you didn't show up to our meeting. We were supposed to meet you in the head office like forty-five minutes ago to discuss the assassination plot", he chuckled pointing with his left thumb.

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