Chapter 7

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*Beval Hernandez's POV:

"Don't forget to add the peppers and spice to it!", I told the cooks before leaving the cafeteria, directing them. "The pepper steak needs to be right and well done for dinner time, and the plates need to be set!"

"Got it", the cooks responded.

"And make sure the rice and gravy is hot and ready by seven o'clock. I will come back and check on you guys in an hour. If you have any questions, you know where to find me!"

It's sad, yet inspiring how hard my cooks work without the worry of getting paid. It's really just them caring for the people and less about whether they get money or not.

I left the kitchen and rambled down towards the cafeteria. I looked around, it was empty and quiet. Closing the cafeteria door, I blew my breath in relief. Dinner was pretty much ready and about to be served in an hour and a half. I took off my white gown and laid it down on a chair outside of the cafeteria's door.

After stretching, I strolled towards the pharmacy section and knocked on the door. Gaia opened it and swiftly pulled me in by my shirt.

I giggled and moaned as our lips intertwined before she shut the door. Lifting her up by her legs, I placed her on a desk, rubbing my hands through her coarse hair, and waist.

Next thing I knew, my shirt was being lifted up.

We broke the kiss as our noses touched. Our green and purple eyes met. I could hear her breathing heavily as her body made contact with mine. I slowly placed my hand up her shirt before kissing her again, my hand getting higher and higher above her stomach.

"I love you", I told her, exhaling between kisses.

"I love you", she panted.

Grabbing her thigh, I kissed onto her neck before slowly trying to take off her shirt. She let out a quiet moan just before Danny came in and killed the moment.

Me and Gaia quickly stood up and fixed ourselves in embarrassment.

"Oh, oh my god, I'm so sorry", he cringed as he was ready to close the door.

"No, no, wait. Is there something you need?" I asked as grabbed my shirt and placed it back on, trying to not make the situation more awkward than it already was.

"Well." Danny cleared his throat. "There is a new member to the shelter. Celosia and Kimberly brought a kid in. Apparently they found him while hunting."

"What?!" Gaia exclaimed, just as annoyed as I was.

"Seriously? Another member? As if we have room for one more mouth to feed," I groaned in frustration as I passed by Danny, leaving the pharmacy.

There was a small crowd of people, including Hikari, coming to see who the new person was. I excused myself as I pushed and shoved passed them to find my two mindless friends.

"Celosia, Kimberly, what are you doing?" I asked in frustration, walking up with my arms out.

"I found this kid nearly unconscious on the beach. I couldn't just leave him there. He needs us," Celosia replied, defending her actions.

I glanced at the kid. He looked Southeast Asian. His skin was tan. The guy had on dirty clothes and no shoes. From the looks of how cracked his lips were, he must've been dehydrated. Poor kid must've been through a lot, he couldn't even look me in the eye.

"What is your name kid?" I asked him with a smile, trying to lift his spirit.

"Tyler Santos", he responded quietly. He lifted his eyes at me then took a step back in shock.

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