Chapter 20

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*Beval Hernandez's POV:

As much as I wanted to sleep in, I had to get up for the meeting soon. The days of early mornings, late nights as a chef were over and I wanted to cherish that, and yet shit still had to get done. I unfortunately missed out on breakfast that morning. If it's not one thing it's another. I guess that's just part of being an adult.

"Come on Val, get up out of bed, the meeting is in ten minutes!", Alex yelled as he jumped up to hit me.

I groaned and turned in frustration, pulling the covers off of me.

It didn't take long for me to brush my teeth and wash my face. I kept my black tank-top on but wore my khaki shorts with them. It wasn't my style but it had to do.

"You got everything?", Alex asked me with a smile, standing outside of the door, his hand on the doorknob.

"Yeah", I sighed as I fixed my hair, leaving the suite.

When we arrived to the meeting room, we bumped into Kimberly who had just woken up like me.

"Good to see I'm not the only one late", she smiled before opening the door.

In the room was: Hikari and Tyler, my girlfriend Gaia, Celosia and Shimizu, Ashley and Sargant Thompson, and Danny and Trevor.

"Hey, long time no see Beval. You've gotten so big since I saw you, mustache and all", Trevor smiled as he opened his arms for an embrace. He still looked the same as I remembered, but he did gain a few pounds.

"It's good to see you too Trevor. I haven't seen you around the shelter much at all", I embraced him, patting his back a few times.

"I don't come out much", he chuckled.

I walked over to Gaia, sitting next to her in the chair.

"Good morning, baby", I smiled before kissing her.

"Good morning", she smiled, kissing back.

"Is everyone here? Are we missing anyone?", Shimizu asked us, looking around.

"No, we have everyone", Celosia responded to him.


Shimizu slammed a printed article onto the table, causing us to jump in the process.

"You know what this is?", he asked looking up at all of us.

"Uh...a job opening for a position at J.L incorporated?", Kimberly guessed in a rhetorical, yet smart-ass manner.

"Yes! I already applied for the position. I have experience in tech, so it should be no problem being a data analyst".

"Did they get back to you?', I asked.

"A couple weeks ago I did a virtual interview with them. They liked me so much I got the job right then and there. Once I gain the world leader's trust-" Shimizu thrusted his knife into the table, causing us to lean back. "Boom! He is defeated, which means World War 3 won't happen, which means we will save the human race."

"This is a lot. How do you even know if this will work?", Tyler asked with doubt.

"If you knew everything we been through throughout these few years, you would know this is nothing", Shimizu replied to him.

"So when will you become ready to strike?", Ashley asked as she leaned back, crossing her arms, keeping her distance from Shimizu for some unknown reason.

"My first day of work is in six days. But in four, I will have to move to New York city. Trevor offered to take me."

"You're moving to New York?!.. I mean, that's great", Celosia said to Shimizu, trying to keep it together.

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