Chapter 37

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*Shimizu Hada's POV:

"Today is a very important day for us. It is a day where we welcome the experimented people with open arms. Today in the day we acknowledge that this whole time, they were just like us."

I stood behind the curtain as I listened to the new President. A cold sweat ran down my face as I tried to calm my shaking breath. She was finishing up her speech to welcome us into the open arms of "Regular Humans" after being discriminated against for so long. Total bullshit.

"You okay?"

I turned around, Celosia was there, approaching me from behind. She was with Beval, Gaia and Katie.

"I-I am not used to talking on a stage, that's all", I gulped.

"Hey! You're gonna do great. You're gonna go out there and knock em dead," she encouraged as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. My anxiety lessened by seventy percent, but went back up as the kiss broke.

I glared back through the curtain, waiting for her to introduce me. It could happen at any second.

"If it makes you feel any better. We can all get a drink after this. Except for you Katie, you're 20," Beval sneered. We all laughed as Katie shoved him.

"Thanks guys, for coming backstage and encouraging me. I deeply appreciate it," I smiled, a bit teary eyed. I furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed something. "Wait, where's my dad and Hikari? Where's Tyler and everyone else?!"

"Roshni just texted me that she and everyone else are here," Celosia responded.

"They're probably in the large crowd, waiting for you," Gaia spoke up before looking through the curtain. "Which is where we should be right now as a matter of fact! The seats are filling up!"

Grabbing Beval, Katie and Celosia's shoulders, she proceeded to shove them away from me.

"Good Luck Shimizu!", Beval shouted as he looked back at me. Next thing I knew, they were out of my sight of vision, sneaking out from the backstage.

Peaking through the curtain again, I noticed she was finishing up her speech. Only paragraphs away from introducing me to the hundreds of people in the crowd.

My friends in the distance proceeded to sneak in and blend in with the crowd. They scooted by and took their seats next to Hikari, our dad, Danny, Celosia's previous coworker Roshni, and my friend's families.

"Now, I have a very special guest here today. An experimented person raised in the city of San Francisco. He has been through a lot of turmoil these past 8 years, but has concurred all of it. It was only three years ago that he saved us from what was to come!"

"Here goes nothing," I say to myself, adjusting my shirt and tie as I moved to the far left of the stage.

"Coming upon the stage, is 23 year old experimented human, Shimizu Hada!"

I forced myself to walk, my knees wobbled with each step I took. The transition from the darkness of the backstage, to the bright light of the stage was overwhelming. The claps from many sounded like a roar, with the occasional cheers and whistles from friends and family.

The cameras from news outlets flashed at me, making sure each moment was caught.

I walked up to the stand and shook hands with the president, staring at her brown eyes with a warm smile. She patted me on the back before standing over to the side. I adjusted my black tie  once more as I slowly approached the stand. There, a microphone was on it.

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