Chapter 18

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*Celosia "Robin" Douglas's POV:

I was worried for Shimizu. If this fails, he will get arrested and if they find out he was an experi-baby, he may get put to death along with the millions of other experi-babies wrongfully killed during the extermination.

Once the meeting was over, everyone parted their ways, except me and Gaia. We sat on a bench, sinking in everything that was discussed earlier.

"I know you're worried about Shimizu, but trust him. He will be alright", Gaia smiled, hugging my arm.

"It's not that I don't trust him, it's the people out there I don't trust. We lost him once, we can't lose him again", I sighed, covering my face with my hands. "I'm not trying to be his parent but damn Gaia, I'm worried".

Gaia made a comforting smile as she rubbed my back.

"He survived the several assassination attempts on the world leader without getting arrested, I'm sure he will survive this one. If everything goes well without any rush, this plan will-should succeed."

I looked at Gaia, trying to get her to see where I am coming from.

"I understand why you're worried though, if it was Beval in Shimizu's shoes I would be the one needing reassurance. I love him, just like you love Shimizu", she nodded.

Yeah, but it's obvious he doesn't love me. He's dating that girl A-"

"Hey guys!", Ashley ran over with Alex. "I have some news from the shelter you came from."

I stood up.

"How did you-", I stopped myself. I remembered her and Alex's ability. Alex had the ability to teleport while Ashley had the ability to know where people's exact location was just by thinking about them.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I almost forgot what power you two possess, forgive me", I smiled in embarrassment as I sat back down.

"Oh, no you're fine. I needed to tell you about how we've seen this older man yelling at these this other guys, one was a girl. I think their names was Thomas, Katie and an older guy named Noah".

"Thomas is my older brother, and the other two are our friends. The older man you're most likely talking about is Shimizu's father. He should know by now that we are gone", Gaia explained, standing up.

"He seemed to not have agreed with you guys leaving", Alex added, a bit shaken up.

"Not surprised, I expect nothing more from him", Gaia responded with a sigh.

"He was going to kick them out, but I stepped in. I told him I was friends with you guys and that you're safe with Shimizu. Your friends, Thomas and the other two were happy to hear, but Shimizu's dad was more angry than anything else. Long story short, he wanted to know who I was. After explaining to him, he mellowed down a bit. He seemed so miserable, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He wanted you guys to come back there with Shimizu. He wants to see his son. It seems like the shelter you came from is in bad condition", Alex explained as he sat next to me.

"It is. We were struggling just to be able to survive", I said, trying not to think about the many horrid memories of that place. I was happy we were out of there, but I knew eventually we had to return. We couldn't just leave them there. The goal was to find Shimizu and then bring him back, but then we ended up willfully getting dragged into a mission to kill the most powerful man in the world. I didn't know which was more important: killing the man that will bring us to the brink of war in the near future while the few hundred people in our shelter struggle to survive on their own? Or, aborting the mission and going back to the shelter with Shimizu?

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