Guardin' Pride - Chapter Seven

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You jumped down from the rock you were laying on. You trotted over to Tazyi. Tazyi is a tiger around teenager years. She has pure purple stripes with magenta eyes.

She is the strongest in your own guard card Guarding' Pride. You choose the name after 'Guard' in Lion Guard and 'Pride' from Night Pride.

Your team stood out of tigers, lions and cheetahs. You also had a leopard as extra in the team. They just never got the mark. He was usually covering up if anyone of them wasn't able to arrive to the stride.

As Rtsu is the fastest, he immediately rapport to Carci, the leopard.

"Rtsu? Tazyi? What's going on?"

Your ears flipped backwards. Tazyi pointed her paw towards the grounds. You followed your team members out.

"Intruders!" You claimed.

"To the end of our Pride,-" You claimed.
"– We'll only defend!" shouted your members.

The team of yours ran down the rocks. You didn't bother checking who intruded your territory. It was protecting it your risk dying.

"Guys, this way," said Rtsu.

You followed the cheetah behind some bushes. He had an ability of hiding as well.

"Can you see anything, Jai?" You questioned the lion, responsible for sight.

"They're closing in to the watering hole. I'd say we attack from near bushes," he announced.

You nodded.

"Let's get going guys. Zurés, Rtsu you go together on the cheetah. Tazyi you go on the hippo. Jai the bird, try to make it loose wing control easily. Alaska, you'll go on with the badger. I'll take the leading."

Everyone nodded and took their respective prey. You quickly swapped bushes, heading towards the watering hole. The waterfall splashed, making it almost impossible to notice you coming in.

You curled up in the grass, following the movements. You gazed at Alaska, making a nod. With your tail, you signaled to start attacking.

You shoot up in the air, jumping straight at the lion. He rolled over on his back, now under you. You tensed your whole body, pressing him towards the ground.

"Who are you to step on my territory?!" You snarled.

"Y-Y/n..?" questioned the lion. "So it's right, did Rani tell the truth?"

"How do fuck do you know my name?!" You growled, gritting your teeth.

"If you get off me I'll explain," said the lion.

"Over my dead body," You snarled.

The lion pushed you to the ground, making you roll. You landed in your belly. You got a hold of the ground with your claws.

"Let's see who wins," You hissed.

"I really don't want to fight–," started the lion.

"It doesn't matter. You entered my territory. You'll pay for it!" You growled.

"Y/N! FUCKING LISTEN TO ME," roared the lion.

You snorted, preparing an attack. You didn't want to listen to a villain. You weren't.

"Yeah? What do you have to say? 'I'm so sorry we stepped in your territory, please spare us and let you go. We will never return!' Yeah, that will never work, Kion," You snarled.

"You do remember me?" asked Kion.

"Of course, I remember the one who broke our promise," You snarled. "Just look at yourself, here you are, with your Guard, missing one member. But oh don't worry, I've got my own. Let's start with;

Tazyi, Jai, Alaska, Zurés, Rtsu and Carci. They're all loyal. Nothing like what you was.

So long I'm here, I'll fight for what's mine," You said, jumping straight at Kion.

"Y/n! I'm sorry. It just took me by too much shock when Janja said you helped them in. It was just like, you betrayed us," explained Kion.

"Pfft. You really think I would do that? Really?! You were the one to betray me!" You growled.

You'd step onto his face, pressing your paw down, making him go unconscious.

"Lion Guard! Stop fighting otherwise you'll little leader is~ oh well, do I even have to tell you?" You snarled.

"Kion?!" claimed Fuli. "What did you do to him?!"

"Nothing that won't make him asleep for sometime. Now, GP, get them to the dungeons, make sure the chains hold them back for good," You claimed.

"As you wish, Lead," said Tazyi.

"Alaska, you'll go with me. We will have to chat with this one. If he doesn't speak, do whatever you want from tutoring to rape," You smirked.

"As you wish, Lead," nodded Alaska.


This— okay you can't blame me though.

After all, Kion betrayed you. You have rights to get revenge. This is your new loyal team.

You better be loyal to them as well!

Otherwise, fuck that chance, Y/N.

I'm not going to be this nice if you decide to betray them. It'll hurt.

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