« Chapter Eleven »

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« My Angel Guardian »
You and your team are currently on patrol. Pride Life is pretty much unbothered in the last days after the incident with Kion and the Lion Guard. Though some parts of you haven't really forgiven Kiom after breaking your promise. It really hurts your feelings. "Tazyi? Could you tell Nr. 09# to come down to me by the water hole. No way to escape, because Cecil will keep an eye on him," you said. "Copy that, Y/n," nodded Tazyi. The Tiger and the other lion left. You smiled and walked to the watering hole. You never thought of it before, but you just see Kion differently. But, had he actually had sex with Rani? Then why did he agree it was good to do it with you? "I just don't understand," you sighed. "Neither do I. One time you totally hate me, next time you like me. What's the problem with you?" chuckled Kion. You sighed, turning around. "Cecil, you can leave by the way," you said. "Copy that, Lead," nodded the lion, leaving back to your cliff. "Yeah. Girls are different, Kion. You'll see it within time," you replied. "Trust me, I already know," said Kion playfully. You jumped on top of him. "You do? Then you also know some of them don't always get satisfied with one shot," you smirked. You noticed Kion's cheeks heating up. You win. "Neither do hyenas." As he roasted you, you snorted. "Blocking that," you said, gestating a blow. "You've always been something," sighed Kion. "I'm always going to be something to you," you snorted. You got off him, helping him back on his legs. "Like what?" asked Kion. You snorted, licking his cheek. "Your best friend and Queen idiot." He rolled his eyes, with a smirk. "Get back down here to you!" he said, pinning you down. "You want to play that game?" you asked. As Kion leant down, you heard Rai shout your name. "Nr. 09# I demand you to get off our lead!" he snarled. "Hey, hey– he's under training. No having to worry," you exuded. "Alright, my apologies. Just be careful next time. Besides, your cousins will visit today also," said Rai. You looked up, "Mae and Maella?" you asked, truly excited. "Yes, I have to inform you of that. They're staying somewhat 4 suns," nodded Rai. "That's amazing! Prepare for them!" You claimed. Rai nodded, "will do, my queen!" You rolled your eyes. "Now where were we?" growled Kion, playfully. He leant down once again, he pressed his lips on yours. "You bitch," you snorted. "My pleasure," claimed Kion, speeding down your neck. You'd wrap your arms around his neck, lowering him down. "You're always going to be naughty, aren't you?" you whispered. "Yes, I am. Because my Queen enjoys it," he whispered back, clearly calm. "How adorable, then why don't I be naughty to," you grinned, flipping him over on his back. "It isn't fair if you can put marks, and I can't, is it, my King?" you questioned. "You're sure Cecil is gone, fully?" replied Kion. "They wouldn't disobey their queen, would they?" you asked, breathing towards Kion's neck. "who knows?" shrugged kion. "Either way, I'm trained," you quickly added.

-.Sometime later because I can't holy handle that, because I did it one chapter ago as well.-

You pushed Kion away from you. You got up on your legs, stretching your legs. "That was something," yawned Kion. You only nodded, "yes, and now you may go back to your cove with your friends," you chuckled playfully. "Do I really have you?" signed Kion, unwillingly. You would lick his cheek, "yes, my king, you do have to," you said, trotting away. Kion chased after you "wait for me, your majesty?" he said playfully. "Of course not," you giggled, speeding up. You hit the rocks before Kion which was just funny. "You're right, I need training," he sighed. "You will get it with time. Patience, as Nirmala taught you," you chuckled. Kion widened his eyes. "You remember those old days?" he questioned, stepping forwards. "Of course I do, I loved you back then too, my King," you said, playfully. "I'm aware I have to break it to you guys. Mae and Maella are incoming," claimed Cecil. You smiled, "then welcome them," you said, "will do," nodded Cecil, running off. Kion looked at you in amazement. "How did you manage to get a guard with slight cat animals?" he asked. "They came here unsecured and hurt, I used Nirmala's way to heal them," you explained. "Wow.."

Yes. Another finished. Hopefully I'm not late to check any messages from my Queen.

See ya tomorrow guys!

– Mae ✨👀

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