« Chapter Twelve »

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« My Angel Guardian »
You nuzzled Mae's cheek and smiled. "We're more than happy to welcome you to Pride Life," you said. "We're grateful to finally be here," nodded Maella. You smiled. "So, you're pregnant yet?" you'd ask, with a slight smirk. "No, but are you?" asked Maella, glancing at Kion. "Oh come on, it's just because I'm in heat," you sighed. Maella nudged your shoulder. "I was also in heat," she said, "then I met Mae," she continued. "Fuck that," you murmured. "Always good with a second thought," giggled Maella. The four of you arrived at Pride Rock. You jumped up, heading to an empty cove. "This is where you're going to sleep," you said. "Here in Pride Life, we count days as sun. You're staying here 4 suns?" you asked. Mae gave you a confused look, "I mean four days," you explained. "Yes, that's correct. Promised mum that we'll be home by sun 7," nodded Maella. You nodded. "Nr. 09# let's get you some training," you added. "Finally," said Kion. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Mae & Mrs. Maella," he added. You both left Pride Rock. "He is hot, isn't he?" sighed Mae dreamily. "Indeed, baby." — You and Kion were making your way to the training area. "Welcome to the Training Area. Here I ask different members to train each other with whatever they need. You, Kion, need the ability to lead better. You have to trust your Guard with leaving them into groups," you explained. "For example. Tazyi, Rai, you go on doll nr. 57 and Cecil, Rtsu you go on doll 34," you demanded. "Copy that, lead," said the members. You turned around to Kion. "Do you get the point? If you're spread out, you'll cover more area. If that happens, you take down enemies easier," you continued. Kion nodded, "so my leadership isn't good at all?" he asked. "No, it sucks," you nodded. "That is why, Queen and Lead will help you," said Tazyi. "My name is Tazyi. I've got yours is Kion, second born child of Simba," she added. She approached Kion's body. "He is hot," she commented. "Yeah, bud he's taken," you snarled. "Sorry Queen, but I think I'll have him this time," said Tazyi playfully. You growled playfully, "wanna bet?" "Back to training!" Reminded Cecil. You giggled and nodded at Kion. "Your turn to command them. There are two dolls. You have to command them to team work on each," you said. "Pfft, that'll be easy," snickered Kion. You stepped backwards, "surely, it will be. I warn you, no attacking yourself. Only your team," you said. Kion sighed, "you told me that now?" "I knew your plan, Kion. Don't make it so obvious," you commented. "Your majesty, I have to comment that patrol is in one cloud," said Tazyi. You looked up at the clouds, gasping, "you're right. Get Cecil, Rtsu and Fuli on the patrol," you commanded. "I'm sticking here," you said. "I'll be training my king~" you smirked. Kion rolled his eyes playfully. "You got it, Lead," nodded Tazyi. "You heard her! Let's go!" she shouted. You watched your team run away. "How can you do that?" asked Kion. You turned around, " do what? " you asked. "Trust them that they'll fight beside each other and make it without you being there," explained Kion. "I've trained them for this," you sighed, "it took time of course, but I know because Tazyi is there. She's the first one to even visit me except for Makini. She is the one I rely on mostly. She'll handle it if it struggles," you explained. "I have Fuli to do that," smiled Kion. You nodded, " also do you have me, " you said, jumping onto Kion. "Now let us have a deary fight," you snarled playfully.

Can someone stop me from updating. I'm getting addicted to my own story, maybe you can stop me, My Queen?

I need some help, you don't update so often as I do, how? Reply me in your messaging book!

For now, have a good day.

– Mae ✨👀

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