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Chapter 6 The Educated Youth in the Seventies

    Li Cuimei's eyes widened, and she looked at Xiao Zhang incredulously.

    What is their relationship? They mess up the relationship between men and women. Did this man forget those things he did?

    Li Cuimei was angry, and said bitterly, "Do you still use me to remind you what you did?"

    Li Cuimei didn't believe that the ambiguity between the two was her own wishful thinking. She is a woman, and she can feel it, Xiao Zhang is different to her. He is pursuing himself and wants to be with her.

    Although Li Cuimei was married, and although she was a little older than Xiao Zhang, she was first-class in the village in terms of her face and figure, and Xiao Zhang was also normal in her eyes.

    He tempted himself so much, but now he wants to get away and go back to be a good husband. It's just a dream!

    She had a hard time, and Xiao Zhang didn't think about it.

    Li Cuimei stared at Xiao Zhang bitterly, and said stiffly: "Xiao Zhang, have you forgotten those things you did in the past? Would you like me to help you remember the memories?"

    She thought that after she had said this, You will see Xiao Zhang’s panicked expression, how can you think that the other person’s face is thicker than she thought, she has said that, Xiao Zhang still looks calm, and uses a Asked in a puzzled tone.     "What have I done in the past? I think about it carefully. I don’t seem to have done anything special. I sit upright. If my behavior makes you misunderstanding, then I’m sorry. But you have to believe me, I didn't do it intentionally."     Li Cuimei was stunned. She had never seen such a brazen person. It was obviously that he was breaking the shoes, and in the end he made such a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance. What, do you think she dare not say what he did?     "You forced me!"     Li Cuimei said bitterly, almost screaming and yelling at Xiao Zhang: "If you don't want to hook me up, what do you give me flowers for? He also said that I'm better than Huajiao. ', is there such a thing?"

    She could say such things, but she wanted to see how Xiao Zhang was still sophistry.

    Xiao Zhang nodded and said softly, "There is such a thing, but sister-in-law Cuimei, have you forgotten? That day you were scolded by your own sister-in-law because you were arguing with your in-laws, so you can’t get married. I just licked my face and stayed at their house.

    Have you forgotten?" At

    this point, Xiao Zhang sighed and continued: "I happened to be passing by. Seeing you crying sadly, I just picked it from the side of the road. I am giving you a bouquet of flowers. Actually, I am comforting you, and there is no bad

    intentions .” Of course, the original owner had no good intentions. He wanted to tease the widow , so it would be impossible for him to hit a straight ball when he went up. Li Cuimei confirmed that she was not having a good time at her in-laws' house. She often quarreled with her in-laws' family. After the quarrel, she was afraid of being read jokes, so she would hide in no one's place and cry.

    When a woman is fragile, it is the best time to take advantage of the emptiness. The original owner, the scumbag, naturally chose the right time to brush up his favorability.

    But how could Xiao Zhang admit that he had bad intentions? The scumbag who did the wrong thing has anything to do with him? He is a good man with Zheng Miaohong, and naturally it is impossible to do anything to tease the widow.

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