Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 The Evolutionary History of the Scum Doctor

    Obviously they are almost 60 years old, but these two people are quarreling like children now, and they are not giving each other an inch. .

    Wang Zhenzhen persuaded this and that, but neither of them gave an inch, and neither was willing to take a step back.

    "Zhenzhen, you said which doctor to see, we'll let you decide." The

    two argued for a long time, but neither could convince the other. In the end, they could only hand over the decision to Wang Zhenzhen and let her make the final decision. decided to come.

    "Zhenzhen, you must listen to me. Dr. Li was introduced to me by my colleague. His medical skills are very good, and he is a returnee with a master's degree after studying abroad. He has a lot of experience. Believe me, I will not It hurts you."

    Li Wenya grabbed Wang Zhenzhen's hand and said earnestly, persuading Wang Zhenzhen to follow her to see the doctor.

    Wang Zhenzhen was a little soft-hearted when Li Wenya looked at her like this, but before she could agree, Xiao Zhang grabbed Wang Zhenzhen's other hand and said warmly, "Zhenzhen, I know Wenya is also for your own good, but As you know, Wenya is not from the medical system. I have been a doctor in the hospital for so long. Although I am separated from the psychiatry department by a few floors, I think I still know more than Wenya. This doctor."

    "Is it great to work in a hospital? You are just a surgeon, not a psychologist. What does it have to do with you? Can you perform surgery on people, and can you perform surgery on people's psychology?"

    After Li Wenya choked Xiao Zhang, she pulled Wang Zhenzhen to her side: "Don't listen to him, the two of us grew up together and have been friends for so many years, don't you know me? I won't hurt you, you have to believe me."

    Xiao Zhang raised his eyebrows and said unceremoniously, "Then according to your logic, will I hurt Zhenzhen?"

    Li Wenya turned the page. The white-eyed man said angrily, "What do you think? Anyone with a discerning

    eye can know what you've done. You still have to tell people what you've done. Why, isn't it shameful enough to despise you?" People were about to pinch again, and Wang Zhenzhen, who was surrounded by the two of them, only felt that one head and two were big: "You two, don't quarrel, don't you quarrel?"

    She persuaded one but not the other. Wang Zhenzhen felt that her whole person was going to be bad after hearing that the father said that the public was reasonable and the mother said that the mother was reasonable.

    "Why don't you do this? Since you all have appointments with doctors, it's not good for me not to see them. I'll see both doctors. Isn't that the best of both worlds?"

    This is the best solution Wang Zhenzhen came up with. Individuals can take care of them, and the two of them can get along peacefully and no longer quarrel.

    However, the two of them agreed whether they agreed, and ended up arguing about which doctor to see first. Seeing that these two guys were about to perform a full martial arts exercise, Wang Zhenzhen, who was physically and mentally exhausted, hurriedly stopped the two of them.

    "Why don't you guys come and punch, whoever wins will go to the doctor first."

    This proposal was unanimously approved by the two, but they didn't say anything more and started punching.

    This time, I didn't waste time. The result came out very quickly. Xiao Zhang won the victory. He immediately dragged Wang Zhenzhen to his side, and then stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Wang Zhenzhen's shoulder: "What? Now you are convinced, right? Why are you an outsider interfering in the affairs of our couple?"

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