Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    Chen Fusheng nodded with satisfaction, with Xiao Zhang's intelligence, he should know what to do next.

    After Xiao Zhang left, Xu Xiaofeng came back from outside the house and asked what Chen Fusheng had said to Xiao Zhang just now. Why did it feel like Xiao Zhang had a smile on his face when he went out?

    Chen Fusheng laughed and said, "The secret cannot be leaked. You will know what's going on tomorrow."

    Xu Xiaofeng heard the words, so she didn't ask any further questions. After the couple chatted for a while, they went to bed. .

    Chen Fusheng was lying on the bed, thinking about what he had just said to Xiao Zhang, he felt that this matter should be resolved immediately, and those educated youths who came to take advantage of it all day should not come again.

    Sure enough, Xiao Zhang's comprehension ability was first-rate. When the educated youths came in groups with dry food the next day, Xiao Zhang entertained them as usual, but when everyone was ready to review, Xiao Zhang suddenly speak up.

    "Comrades, I know that you came to me because you believed in my ability and thought I could help you get admitted to university."

    As soon as Xiao Zhang said this, other educated youths always thought it sounded strange. Weird, it feels like it has some other meaning.

    A dozen educated youths looked at Xiao Zhang in unison, waiting for him to continue.

    Being looked at by so many educated youths, Xiao Zhang seemed to feel a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly, a light blush appeared on his fair face, and then he said: "Everyone is from a village, I You don't know what's going on, but no, if I go to college in the future, and I have to pay for the college, I can't shamelessly ask my father-in-law and mother-in-law for money, right?

    " It is reasonable and reasonable, everyone thinks it is the truth, although Xiao Zhang is in the Chen family, but he is also a manly man. Didn't they all get cleaned up?

    Seeing that everyone agreed with him, Xiao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face relaxed: "You all agree with me, that's great, otherwise I don't know what I should do next. How to say it." After speaking

    , Xiao Zhang coughed again, and seemed to be a little embarrassed to say: "Look, you all come here every day just after dawn, and only leave when it is dark, what do you understand? Asking me all the questions takes up my time and energy. For the sake of everyone being an educated youth, I don’t want too much, just give me some money for each of you.” The

    big guy didn’t think of anything . After talking for so long, Xiao Zhang finally came to ask the big guy for money. Everyone was stunned and looked at Xiao Zhang in disbelief: "Mr. Xiao, how can you ask for money?"

    Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes, and said strangely, "Is there anything wrong with me asking for money?" As

    he spoke, a sudden realization appeared on his face, and his eyes fell on the educated youth who said how could he ask for money: "Xu Zhiqing, do you think I should be selfless, teach everyone for free, and help everyone get into college? Logically, your idea is not wrong, but isn't my situation different? If I were like Xu Zhiqing , then I am definitely willing."

    Speaking of which, Xiao Zhang seemed to remember something, and said with some doubts: "No, Xu Zhiqing, I remember that the two of us came from the same place, and your previous results were better than I'm fine, and didn't you get a set of review materials two days ago? Can you share them with us?"

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