Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    After Xiao Zhang and Chen Fusheng donated the wooden cow, they were highly praised by the secretary of the commune, and they bluntly said that they would give them a credit.

    Of course, after being used by the secretary of the commune, this wooden ox discovered the mystery. He would not hide the credit. After all, it was offered by the people under his jurisdiction. If he gave it to the newspaper, he would also have a share. Credit, so after getting this thing and understanding the mystery, he immediately reported it.

    The follow-up matter has nothing to do with Xiao Zhang and Chen Fusheng for the time being. After the two presented their things, they went back after buying some things at the supply and marketing cooperative.

    After the autumn harvest, how to live and how to live, as the days passed, Chen Xiaoyue's stomach became bigger and bigger, and it was not very convenient to walk.

    Although Xiao Zhang is smart and knows a lot of things, he has never been married and has no knowledge about women's pregnancy. Chen Xiaoyue is probably in a good mood and eats well, so her belly is bigger than ordinary people. Be bigger.

    Xiao Zhang looked at Chen Xiaoyue's growing belly and became anxious.

    The main reason is that Chen Xiaoyue's belly seems to be bigger than that of an ordinary pregnant woman. She went to that station and lowered her head, so she couldn't see her feet at all. She was a bit like a duck when she walked. , but she still likes to move around. Every day, she has to go around the yard and go to the village for a walk. Although Xiao Zhang is accompanied every time, his heart also follows up and down. , I was always afraid that something would go wrong with Chen Xiaoyue.

    During this period of time, Chen Xiaoyue has gained a lot of weight, but Xiao Zhang has lost a lot of weight.

    Both Chen Fusheng and Xu Xiaofeng told Xiao Zhang that Chen Xiaoyue was pregnant, and it was normal for him to be fat, but he couldn't let go.

    However, because of her big stomach, it is inconvenient to walk, so Chen Xiaoyue can only walk around the village for a few laps at most.

    "Xiaoyue, are you thinking of going to the town to see it? I heard that there was a movie in the town two days ago. Many people in the village have seen it and they all said it was good."

    After hearing what Xiao Zhang said , Chen Xiaoyue was a little moved, but just looking at her surprisingly large belly, she shook her head and gave up the idea of ​​going over to see it.

    "Forget it, my belly is getting bigger and bigger, but I still don't want to go. It's fine at home."

    Although Chen Xiaoyue said that she didn't want to go, Xiao Zhang could still hear her thoughts. I wanted to go, but because of my big belly, I had to stay at home.

    So in the past two days, Xiao Zhang started to be busy again, and when he was busy, he was mysterious and did not let Chen Xiaoyue look behind. Although Chen Xiaoyue was a little strange, he didn't think much about it.

    After more than a week of tossing, just when Chen Xiaoyue forgot about it, Xiao Zhang suddenly pulled her to the backyard.

    "Didn't you let me come to the backyard? Why did you let me come here again? Did you make something good?"

    Chen Xiaoyue was a little strange and couldn't help but ask, Xiao Zhang nodded and smiled said.

    "Yes, you'll know when you come."

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