Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 The Evolutionary History of the Scum Doctor

    [Zhenzhen, you are traveling with your parents, have a good time, don't think about it, I will wait for you to come back. 】

    Wang Zhenzhen, who was sitting on the way to the airport, heard the sound of a text message on her mobile phone. She took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. When she found out that it was a message sent to her by Xiao Zhang, Wang Zhenzhen pursed her lips and couldn't help showing her face. Come with a smile.

    In fact, she was dragged by her parents to travel together before, and Wang Zhenzhen was still a little resistant in her heart. She didn't want to leave the city, she wanted to stay by Xiao Zhang's side, but in the end, she still couldn't stand her parents' request and followed the two of them. left together.

    Before leaving, Wang Zhenzhen wanted to say hello to Xiao Zhang and talk about her leaving, but was stopped by Xu Yijun.

    "Can't you ask him what you want to do? How long has it been since you went out to play? Listen to me this time, don't think about anything, just have a good time and play with us."

    Before It's also that I and my husband are busy with the company and ignore this daughter. Their impression of Xiao Zhang is still before marriage. In addition, Wang Zhenzhen has always said good things about Xiao Zhang after marriage, and has never said a bad word to him. Husband and wife The two also subconsciously felt that Xiao Zhang was quite good.

    But this time, they learned about Wang Zhenzhen's life in the past few years from Li Wenya's mouth, and the couple blamed themselves very much.

    Work is very important, but children are equally important. How can they ignore their daughters because of Zhenzhen's marriage and have a family of their own?

    The foster child is 100 years old and worried about 99 years old. If they found something wrong earlier, Wang Zhenzhen wouldn't have to suffer so much.

    This trip was decided by Xu Yijun on an ad hoc basis. Originally, Wang Tianci did not intend to come with him, but she thought that the two of them made so much money, but they hadn't had a good vacation for a long time, so she dismissed other ideas. Just go out and play with the family.

    The driver was Wang Tianci, and Xu Yijun sat in the back seat with Wang Zhenzhen, and noticed the smile on her daughter's face, Xu Yijun immediately knew that the message was sent by Xiao Zhang.

    He had always known about their trip, Xu Yijun felt disgusted, she looked at Wang Zhenzhen with a low-haired message, and asked, "Zhenzhen, we are going to Europe this time, do you have anything you want to buy? I remember. When the two of us went there last time, you bought a lot of bags, this time, as long as you like it, mom will buy it all for you."

    Wang Zhenzhen was replying to the message attentively, and after hearing Xu Yijun's words, she just casually said it, Xu Yijun Seeing her like this, he wanted to say something, but Wang Tianci, who was driving in front, found that something was wrong and came to the rescue with a smile.

    "Zhenzhen, we've all come out to play, so don't look at the phone. Even if it's a text message from A Xiao, it won't be too late to reply later, A Xiao is a sensible person and won't care about you. You and your mother haven't had a good chat for a long time, why don't you sit together and talk more."

    Wang Zhenzhen was still willing to listen to what Wang Tianci said, and after replying to Xiao Zhang's text message, she hugged Xu Yijun's shoulder and leaned against her. on the body.

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