Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

    This is actually a legacy of my parents' generation, but because there is no business relationship between Shengshi Group and Wang Group, and the two companies are operating in different directions, they are basically not in the business field. The interests of the other party are involved, so there is no conflict between them.

    The Wang family had stumped Sheng Mingyu before, but Sheng Mingyu was not easy to get along with, so he quickly retaliated. The group took a bite of meat, but Sheng Mingyu provoked the big beam. The Wang family failed to take a bite of the meat in the chaos, but they also lost some profits. After that, they clearly saw Sheng Mingyu's ability and kept following him. She maintains a friendly relationship.

    Originally, the two of them could say that the well water did not violate the river water, but Sheng Mingyu never thought that Wang Qiongxi would find Xiao Zhang's school.

    Today, if it wasn't for Xiao Zhang's quick response, he quickly called the police and took away Wang Qiongxi who was looking for trouble. He was afraid that he would be caught in a storm of public opinion.

    There is a saying that three people become tigers, and public opinion can also kill people. This method is too arrogant.

    "Wang Qiongxi is crazy. There is no grievance or hatred between me and her. How could she come up with such a way to deal with you? No, I can't spare her this time."

    Sheng Mingyu is also violent , Don't look at her in front of Xiao Zhang, who seems to be a little brainless and deceived by Xiao Zhang, but she is still very powerful in other aspects, otherwise she will not develop the huge Shengshi Group to what it is today .

    Love degrades people's wisdom, and this sentence is suitable for Sheng Mingyu.

    "Okay, in fact, I haven't been hurt, so don't worry. The Sheng's group is not very peaceful now. You don't need to offend the Wang's group for me. I'm not wronged. Qiongxi is taken away, even if it is even."

    However, the more sensible Xiao Zhang was, the more she thought about her, the more Sheng Mingyu owed Xiao Zhang, she grabbed Xiao Zhang's hand and looked at him. That pretty face, said seriously.

    "Don't worry, Wang Qiongxi is just a spoiled little girl. The Wang family will spoil her in small matters, but if she acts too much, the couple will take care of her."

    Said Sheng Ming Yu then didn't say anything to Xiao Zhang, but got up and walked over to the restaurant to start making a phone call. Xiao Zhang sat on the sofa and listened to the conversation from there. He lowered his eyes, betrayed the original owner The woman became more and more pity.

    In fact, Sheng Mingyu can be said to be heart-to-heart to the original owner. She is not the kind of person who can speak sweet words. All love is shown in her actions, but the idiot of the original owner believes that only sweet words are true love. Sheng Mingyu Such obscurity is not good.

    The original owner thought that Sheng Mingyu didn't let him into the company because he didn't like him or was on guard against him, but how could he know that Sheng Mingyu was not as talented as he appeared to be on the surface, but was just a fool He was not willing to let him join the company to take over the company's business. After all, this company was the hard work of Sheng Mingyu's parents. How could she have corrupted the original owner?

    But even if it is clear later that the original owner is not as talented as she thought, and his personality is not good, except for a face, the appearance of him is obviously completely different from the appearance of Sheng Mingyu when he knew him. However, Sheng Mingyu still held a faint hope in her heart and did not give up on him. She thought that her sincerity would be exchanged for the same treatment.

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