Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

    Normally, if a man really has such deep feelings for another woman, and as he said, he has been waiting for the woman to like him, then when he knows that the woman is married, he should be impulsive about it. Women love to speak up.

    If you didn't say it at the time, you probably won't say it in your future interactions.

    Any virtuous person will not destroy other people's families. If it is for the good of the person he likes, he will hide his feelings in the depths of his heart and will not speak out.

    But Qin Qiujiang is obviously not such an upright person.

    From the first time the two met, Qin Qiujiang was excluding Xiao Zhang intentionally or unintentionally, and showed how close he was to Sheng Mingyu, and only Sheng Mingyu, who was not very sensitive to the relationship between men and women, could not notice Qin Qiujiang Xiao Zhang could clearly feel his dislike for him.

    Showing how close the two of them are in front of his real husband, it would be strange if it weren't for provocation.

    This is also because the person here is Xiao Zhang, not the scumbag of the original owner. Otherwise, how could he not think about it and not doubt the relationship between Sheng Mingyu and Qin Qiujiang?

    Presumably what Qin Qiujiang wanted was the original owner's suspicion of Sheng Mingyu, and he was quietly using the friendship between the two of them for so many years before quietly stirring up the storm.     Sheng Mingyu stupidly couldn't tell Qin Qiujiang's intention, how could Xiao Zhang not see it? So before, he clearly pointed out Qin Qiujiang's feelings for Sheng Mingyu.     Even if a stupid woman shows her husband that he cares too much about his wife's relationship with another man, that woman will definitely distance herself from the other man.     And Sheng Mingyu's actions like this will definitely disrupt Qin Qiujiang's pace. No matter what Qin Qiujiang's picture is, he will always show his legs.     In the end, it didn't take long for Sheng Mingyu to come back and talk about Qin Qiujiang's confession to her, which is not something a serious man can do.

    Presumably Qin Qiujiang did not expect that after his confession, instead of disturbing Sheng Mingyu's heart, he had Sheng Mingyu expelled.

    Qin Qiujiang was probably not reconciled, so he used Wang Qiongxi to send photos to Xiao Zhang.

    Probably because the original owner's stupidity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Qin Qiujiang didn't even regard the original owner as a serious opponent, he might think that those small calculations can make the original owner give up the relationship with Sheng Mingyu, even if he will not be with Sheng Mingyu. Divorce will definitely quarrel with Sheng Mingyu, and once the two of them have a relationship crisis, won't Qin Qiujiang have a chance?

    Xiao Zhang came to his analysis one by one, which sounded extremely reasonable.

    Sheng Mingyu opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't calm down for a long time.

    To be honest, she didn't think so much like Xiao Zhang at all, and he felt that Qin Qiujiang didn't just want to destroy the relationship between their husband and wife, or for some other purpose.

    "Tossing around with so many things and going around in such a big circle, the result is to destroy our relationship. He is such a junior. I don't think Qin Qiujiang I know should do such a boring thing."

    Xiao Zhang heard the words, He glanced at Sheng Mingyu resentfully: "You mean I'm slandering him?"

    Sheng Mingyu saw Xiao Zhang like this, all the hairs on his body stood up, even if he couldn't understand the feelings of men and women, but his desire to survive was The instinct that every couple should have, she immediately raised her hand and said loudly: "No, Qin Qiujiang is not a thing, I think he can be bad or bad, let's despise him together."

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