Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

    In fact, this matter is best handled by the police anyway. You must know that Wang Qiongxi has no evidence, but destroying other people's reputation does not require evidence, as long as it is shameless enough to stand there and talk nonsense, there are many One can believe her nonsense.

    This is what Wang Qiongxi is relying on now, and the original owner is really not very innocent, and the things he has done before and after are the best. Wang Qiongxi makes such a fuss, and naturally makes others believe that he really did such a rubbish. things to come.

    However, after the police were called, the nature of the matter changed. Xiao Zhang's back was so stiff, he swore to tell the police that he had never done what Wang Qiongxi said. , Wang Qiongxi is just slandering herself with white teeth.

    "Comrade police, you must get this lady to apologize to me, and it must be here, in front of all my classmates. Knowing that what she has done has seriously affected my reputation, it gives I have caused great trouble, and I have suffered a huge blow physically and psychologically. If I can't think of suicide because of this, she is the culprit."

    Xiao Zhang's remarks can be described as coherent, and everything he said is normal. Appeal, if Wang Qiongxi is really talking nonsense and causing damage to his reputation, Wang Qiongxi really wants to apologize to him.

    Because of the arrival of the police, the wind direction at the scene changed in an instant. Everyone thought that Xiao Zhang should not have done those shameless things as Wang Qiongxi said, otherwise, how would he dare to call the police? ?

    However, how can Wang Qiongxi on the other side get these? How could she have imagined that Xiao Zhang didn't play cards according to common sense at all. When she quarreled with others, it wasn't for you to come and go. When the quarrel was over, she would even fight each other.

    When did they solve a problem without relying on their own abilities? In the minds of people like them, there is no such idea of ​​calling the police at all. This person does not obey the rules at all.

    "Xiao Zhang, you are still not a man. This matter is between you and me. What's the matter with you calling the police? You are wasting public resources!"

    Xiao Zhang said plausibly, "I No, I didn't, if you came to me privately, it could be said to be between the two of us. But you came to my school and slandered me in front of all my classmates and ruined my reputation. Obviously it's not between the two of us. You've broken the law. Isn't it right to call the police? Or you'll show evidence to prove what you're saying is true, or you're here Apologize to me."

    Looking at the righteous and awe-inspiring appearance of the other party, Wang Qiongxi felt angry in her heart, and now she wished she could rush up to tear Xiao Zhang's face directly, and then she did the same, rushing When I went up, I wanted to hit Xiao Zhang, but Xiao Zhang reacted quickly and hid behind the police, pretending to be panicked and shouting: "Comrade police, this lesbian is really scary, you must protect me."

    Originally came to the door to find fault and provocation, but it turned into a farce in the end. Wang Qiongxi was not a good-natured person. Xiao Zhang was too cunning and kept running around the police. Wang Qiongxi was very angry and attacked. Without measure, the two policemen were directly injured.

    Okay, originally came to the door to find trouble, but now it has directly become an assault on the police, Wang Qiongxi will be taken back to the police station for education.

    Before she was taken away, Xiao Zhang still did not let go, and Wang Qiongxi must apologize in public.

    "Miss Wang, you owe me an apology. If you don't want to publicly apologize to me here, then I don't mind going to your parents. This matter must be made clear. I think what you did, Miss Wang, The family shouldn't know about it, if they knew, do you think you can still be as unrestrained as you are now?"

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