Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

    It's no wonder the boss and the others don't believe in Xiao Zhang, it's because Xiao Zhang was so out of place in the past, his eyes could grow up to the top of his head, and he used his nostrils when looking at people. Arrogant and domineering, really unpleasant for a long time.

    Moreover, this person has never studied with them in class, and is more alone in doing experiments. This is the first time he has asked for their help.

    I always feel that Xiao Zhang's personality seems to have collapsed today, from an unpleasant guy to a roommate who can communicate normally.

    But even so, because of his bad deeds before, everyone's prejudice against him can't be changed in a short time. He looks normal. Who knows if it's faked? What if he really does something together and he picks it up?

    The boss looked back at the second and third, and winked at each other.

    Everyone lives in the same dormitory, and they have known each other for more than a year. It turned out that when Xiao Zhang lived in the dormitory, in order to prevent him from discovering their communication, everyone was used to expressing thoughts with their eyes.

    Boss: [What do you think? Do you agree? 】

    Second child: [Agree ass, this kid has a lot of previous records, what if we throw us into the pit? 】

    The third child: [The second child is right, this kid is not a good guy, maybe he has some bad tricks this time, we can't agree. 】

    After some exchanges, the three reached a consensus, and finally the boss came forward and gave Xiao Zhang the answer.

    "I'm sorry, although we really want to help you, but we still have experiments to do, so we can't help you..."

    "Four thousand yuan."

    Xiao Zhang said suddenly, and the boss was stunned. , subconsciously asked: "What four thousand yuan?"

    Didn't they say help? What is the purpose of suddenly saying 4,000 yuan without beginning and end?

    The second and third also looked over and looked at Xiao Zhang with a look of nervousness.

    Xiao Zhang blinked, and said casually: "I will give you four thousand yuan alone, which is considered to hire you to help me, but if you don't want it, it's fine, I can find other people to help me, I..."

    However , Xiao Zhang Before Zhang's words were finished, the eyes of the other three people in the dormitory changed instantly, they stood up immediately, the expressions on their faces changed suddenly, and they looked at Xiao Zhang enthusiastically.

    Boss: "Look, you're an outsider, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, we are roommates after all, and we have been together for almost a year and a half. Who is with whom? We are not in a hurry for our experiments. Let's talk for you first. "The

    second child also laughed, and his small eyes narrowed into a slit: "That's right, the fourth, why are you being so polite with us? If you have anything, just say it directly, We will definitely help." The

    third child smiled, the smile on his face looked extraordinarily wretched: "The fourth child, can you tell me what kind of experiment it is? Our brothers are fine now, if we can, let's You can take over immediately."

    In fact, they don't want to, but even though Xiao Zhang gave too much? Everyone is not well-off. Four thousand yuan is worth their living expenses for two months. They can get four thousand in just one month. Now let alone ask them to help, even if Xiao Zhang is offered as an uncle.

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