Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 The Evolutionary History of the Scum Doctor

    Jin Weiwei is a passionate and unrestrained woman. After confirming her feelings, she launched a fierce pursuit of the original owner. She firmly believes that women are chasing men's interlayer yarn, and she has a strong self-confidence in herself, as long as she wants what she wants No man can escape from her palm.

    The original owner had always shown a gesture of resistance. He clearly told Jin Weiwei that he didn't like her and that he only liked his wife.

    "Weiwei, I know I'm sorry for you this time, but you have to remember, this is just a mistake, the only person I love is my wife, I can't give up her being with you."

    However, the original owner Yue Yue It is resistance. The more she rejects Jin Weiwei, the more active Jin Weiwei becomes. She pursues the original owner ardently. Even if the original owner keeps resisting her pursuit, she still refuses to give up.

    "It doesn't matter if you don't like me now. I believe that sincerity is the most important thing. As long as I work hard, you will fall in love with me sooner or later."

    However, although Jin Weiwei liked what the original owner liked, she couldn't help herself, but because the original owner said that he was very Loving his wife, his wife is his bottom line, so she didn't dare to disturb Wang Zhenzhen, and she didn't even dare to appear in front of Wang Zhenzhen to see the woman who was deeply loved by the man she liked.

    So until his death, Wang Zhenzhen didn't know the existence of Jin Weiwei.

    After Wang Zhenzhen's death, the original owner fell into 'pain', he became decadent, and he was completely an infatuated man who loved deeply. He even chose to commit suicide or kill himself, but every time he was 'just' saved by someone came back.

    His infatuation was seen in the eyes of all people and kept in their hearts. Everyone who knew him said he was a good man, a rare kind of infatuation in the world, and the woman he fell in love with was the happiest woman in the world.

    During this period of time when the original owner was in pain and despair, Jin Weiwei always accompanied the original owner. She took good care of the original owner and confided her love to him over and over again.

    Because she has witnessed the original owner's deep affection and no regrets, Jin Weiwei more firmly believes that the original owner is a unique good man in this world. Her pursuit of the original owner has become more and more crazy, and because there is no Wang Zhenzhen, she has become more blatant. stand up.

    Just as the so-called fine Chen goes to the golden stone, Jin Weiwei's infatuation finally 'impressed' the original owner. Two years after Wang Zhenzhen's death, the original owner finally entered the palace of marriage with Jin Weiwei.

    However, there is a saying in this world that being a dog can't change eating shit. After tasting the sweetness once, will the original owner change?

    The so-called scum is the scum that penetrates deep into the bone marrow from the inside to the outside. The things in their bones will not change, and the things they have worked so hard to obtain will eventually be despised by them.

    Everything that happened before is played out again, the hero in the play is still the same one, but the heroine has become a different person, but the same thing is, whether it is the previous heroine or the next heroine, their Fate is the same destination, and finally went to the same destination.

    Xiao Zhang once again spurned the scum of the original owner. Such a guy is not worthy of being called a person at all. However, it is such a thing. In the original plot, he never took off his affectionate hat, even if his front and back were changed. Four wives, in the eyes of outsiders and his children, he is still an infatuated man.

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