Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    Chen Xiaoyue has been restless since Chen Fusheng and Xiao Zhang left. She was afraid that Xiao Zhang and Chen Fusheng would suffer, and she was afraid that they would not be able to get back the design drawings. There is no meaning at all.

    Just when Chen Xiaoyue decided to go over to check the situation, Xiao Zhang and Chen Fusheng walked in from outside. After seeing them, Chen Xiaoyue immediately stood up and walked towards them quickly.

    "Ah Xiao, how is it? Are you injured? Did they bully you? Did you two get angry?"

    In Chen Xiaoyue's heart, her man was a weak scholar who was helpless. All of them are big and three rough, and Xiao Zhang will definitely suffer from them.

    After seeing that they came back safely, Chen Xiaoyue didn't care about anything else, and asked Xiao Zhang one after another, wondering if he was injured, if he suffered any losses, and so on.     Chen Fusheng was standing on the side, but his daughter didn't seem to see him, which made Chen Fusheng feel uncomfortable. He coughed a few times, trying to remind Chen Xiaoyue that he was still here. , However, Chen Xiaoyue never gave him the slightest look.     Chen Fusheng: "..."     This is really a female university that can't keep it, and when she has a husband, she forgets her father.     Of course, Chen Fusheng is just thinking about it, not really blaming Chen Xiaoyue. After all, the better the relationship between Chen Xiaoyue and Xiao Zhang, the happier Chen Fusheng will be in his heart. Who doesn't want their children to be harmonious and happy? All right?     Xiao Zhang looked at Chen Xiaoyue who was full of concern and asked himself one after another, with a helpless look on his face,     "Xiaoyue, I'm fine, are you so worried about me? Don't worry, I'm not that weak. Man, what's more, even if I'm not good at force, isn't there still a father? You are afraid that people can bully me with a father? My father is so powerful, he will definitely be able to protect me, otherwise the captain for so many years is not in vain When?"

    Although Xiao Zhang was talking to Chen Xiaoyue, he still knew Chen Fusheng's careful thinking and understood that Chen Fusheng must be sour and Chen Xiaoyue cared too much about himself. When he spoke to Chen Xiaoyue, he praised Chen Fusheng incidentally. When he came out, Chen Fusheng immediately felt comfortable, and he forgot all the unpleasant meanings just now.

    "That's natural, Xiaoyue, you can rest assured. I'll take A Xiao out and let people bully him. We really won a big victory this time."

    Xiao Zhang and Chen Fusheng both said what happened to them this time. There were no children, and Chen Xiaoyue's hanging heart was relieved.

    "It's fine, then tell me how you dealt with it? Li Goudan and his family are very unreasonable, how can they be willing to give us back?"

    Xiao Zhang looked at Chen Xiaoyue with a face With a smile on his face, he raised his head and rubbed Chen Xiaoyue's hair with his hands, pulled her to a chair beside him and sat down, and then carefully explained what happened at Li's house.     Xiao Zhang's eloquence is quite good, and he made the originally ups and downs even more touching. The not too long story mobilized all Chen Xiaoyue's emotions. Although she didn't go to the scene, but because of Xiao Zhang's remarks, she was also very emotional. It is inevitable to be nervous, although the final outcome is good, but Chen Xiaoyue is also a little worried in her heart.     "Our luck this time is relatively good. That Li Goudan wants to use this to make a wooden cow, but if he is a little bit bad and destroys the stolen things, we can't do anything     about it ." Here, Chen Xiaoyue looked up at Chen Fusheng standing on the other side.     "Dad, I think we should keep a dog. In the future, remember to lock the door when going in and out, so that no one can come in casually. Our family is different now. Although there is no money in the family, Ah Xiao There are a lot of things here, and if someone steals it, the loss will be huge." What     Chen Xiaoyue said really makes sense, Chen Fusheng thought about it, nodded and said, "You didn't say anything. Wrong, it's true that I didn't think about it carefully, but don't worry, I'll put it on the agenda right away, the puppy will be hugged, and the yard will be locked."

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