Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

    Xiao Zhang told Sheng Mingyu what he thought, but after hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Sheng Mingyu frowned and said.

    "Then how can you explain that Wang Qiongxi gave Zhang Mengmeng 200,000 yuan? If it wasn't for her, why did she give Zhang Mengmeng 200,000 yuan for no reason?"

    Xiao Zhang replied, "I am more inclined towards them. There is still a third person, Wang Qiongxi did give Zhang Mengmeng money, and let Zhang Mengmeng stare at you and tell her your news, but the person who instructed Zhang Mengmeng to install the pinhole camera should not be Wang Qiongxi, she has no brain ."

    This is reasonable, but the crux of the problem is that Zhang Mengmeng has insisted that everything he did was instructed by Wang Qiongxi, and with those 200,000, Wang Qiongxi's explanation was useless.

    "Assuming that the third one really exists, and he is the mastermind behind it, how can you find him since he is so hidden? I think Zhang Mengmeng looks like he wants to protect that person."

    Taking money to install a pinhole camera has violated the laws of our country. According to the criminal law, Zhang Mengmeng will be imprisoned, and the person who instigated Zhang Mengmeng to install a pinhole camera will also be punished, but if there is no definite evidence to prove that Wang Qiongxi has something to do with it , then at most she will only criticize education and will not be put in prison.

    Whether it is Wang Qiongxi who gave Zhang Mengmeng money to stare at Sheng Mingyu, or the man behind the scenes, they will not be punished too much. The only person who has to bear all of this is Zhang Mengmeng, a girl with a watery mind. .

    "Well, I'll talk to the police and tell the police about my suspicions. Maybe the police can find a breakthrough and let Zhang Mengmeng spit out."

    Xiao Zhang said.

    Sheng Mingyu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

    Xiao Zhang got up and went to the police to express his suspicions.

    "Comrade police officer, I have been in contact with Wang Qiongxi several times, and that person's brain circuit is different from ordinary people. Although he often does some outrageous things, I don't think she would have thought of having people install surveillance cameras. In

    fact, based on Xiao Zhang's understanding of Wang Qiongxi, if she can think of the trick of installing surveillance cameras or monitors, she should let Zhang Mengmeng install it in a more private place, not an office. Where it won't make people embarrassed.

    That person's idea was very simple. She was all about suppressing Sheng Mingyu. In order to achieve this goal, she even drugged Sheng Mingyu herself, and found a few cowherds to destroy Sheng Mingyu.

    If she did this, her methods should be even more dirty.

    What can be photographed in the office? If she really did it, she would have asked Zhang Mengmeng to install the camera in the bathroom, or in Sheng Mingyu's exclusive lounge, so that even worse things could be photographed in those places.

    Regarding Xiao Zhang's statement, the police comrades thought for a while, but still listened to his opinion. They thought about it for a while, and then asked: "Then do you have any doubts?"

    However, although the police asked this, they did not think about Xiao Zhang. Zhang can answer, after all, it is very normal for such a big company to have some commercial spies or people with bad intentions. Sheng Mingyu is too young. I heard that her parents left early, and she has such a big company in her hands. Not all of them obey her orders, and there will certainly be many people who have dissent.

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