Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 The Evolutionary History of the Scum Doctor

    Xiao Zhang's voice was always gentle, and it did not change because of Wang Zhenzhen's gaffe. He did not disgust, had no impatience, and did not say any unpleasant words, but gently comforted Wang Zhenzhen and told her that she was just sick.

    Wang Zhenzhen, who was full of unease and self-loathing in her heart, felt a little better. She raised her head and tears kept falling down her cheeks uncontrollably, but there was still a smile on her pretty face. , She looked at Xiao Zhang with wide eyes, and said in a choked voice, "Ah Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't cry on purpose..."

    Xiao Zhang stroked Wang Zhenzhen's hair, and her voice became softer than before: "I know that you are not such a fragile girl. It is normal for you to be unable to control yourself. After all, you are a physical disease, and I can understand it."

    Seeing that Wang Zhenzhen's mood had recovered a little, Xiao Zhang stepped aside, took out a tissue and wiped away the tears on Wang Zhenzhen's face, then touched her head again and asked her to go to the bathroom to wash up.

    "Zhenzhen, go wash your face first, how can you eat with such a dirty look? Otherwise, you will feel salty when you eat it later,"

    Wang Zhenzhen looked at the words with a puzzled face. Xiao Zhang didn't seem to understand why he said that.

    Xiao Zhang smiled and patted her head, and said teasingly, "Because your tears fell into the food, the tears are salty, and of course they will make the food salty."

    This joke is really a bit cold, However, Wang Zhenzhen got Xiao Zhang's meaning, and she felt a little better, and suddenly burst out laughing.

    "Ah Xiao, you are still the same as in the past, your jokes are still so cold."

    Xiao Zhang pretended to say helplessly: "What can I do? It seems that I don't have the talent for funny, and I don't have time to read more books to improve. My ability to tell jokes can only make you feel bad for listening to me."

    Wang Zhenzhen hurriedly shook her head: "That's good, I think your jokes are very funny."

    Maybe even Wang Zhenzhen didn't realize it, but now she will often She couldn't control herself to please Xiao Zhang, as if she was accustomed to this way of getting along, and it had become her instinct to please each other - even if the husband and wife were just having ordinary conversations and had no disputes, but Wang Zhenzhen only needed to When she realized that what she said was inappropriate, she immediately apologized and tried to make up for it.

    This is obviously a character developed by the original owner PUA, and the original owner also enjoys this kind of treatment. He just wants Wang Zhenzhen to slowly lose her personality and become less and less like herself, and only in this way can she be controlled by the original owner.

    But such Wang Zhenzhen was not what Xiao Zhang wanted.

    "Zhenzhen, I'm just joking with you, you don't have to be so nervous, okay, now go wash your face, the food will be cold soon."

    Xiao Zhang knew that changing Wang Zhenzhen's mind was not something that could be done overnight. It took the original owner a long time to change Wang Zhenzhen to what it is now. He couldn't make Wang Zhenzhen recover with just a few words.

    This has to be done slowly, but Xiao Zhang is very patient and confident in letting Wang Zhenzhen make changes.

    Because of Xiao Zhang's comfort, Wang Zhenzhen's emotions finally calmed down. She raised her head and smiled at Xiao Zhang, then got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Just when she was washing, Xiao Zhang simply tidy up the bedroom. After a while, when Wang Zhenzhen came out, what she saw was the tidy bedroom, she became uneasy again, and looked at Xiao Zhang with a terrified expression.

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