Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    After knowing the news, Chen Xiaoyue's first reaction was to be happy, but after being happy for a long time, her mood dropped rapidly, because she remembered one thing, no matter how happy she was, it still weighed on her. In her heart, she couldn't breathe.

    Xiao Zhang is not from Peach Blossom Village, he is an educated youth who went to the countryside, and he is a high school student with a high education. The reason why he can be a teacher is also for this reason.

    In the past, Xiao Zhang had mentioned many times that he wanted to go back to the city. If he went back to the city, what should he do?

    Chen Xiaoyue stroked her bulging belly. Thinking of Xiao Zhang's attitude towards her in recent months, he was really good to herself. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is like a jewel. Chen Xiaoyue thought that their life would be like this forever. Go on, just stay in this small village to have children and live a plain and happy life.

    But if Xiao Zhang went to take the college entrance examination, he would have to leave if he passed the exam. He could still do it well in the country, but after arriving in the city and in the university, Xiao Zhang met more and better people, Will you still look at her?     But let Chen Xiaoyue say, 'Don't take the exam, just stay in the village and be a teacher, let's live a normal life', Chen Xiaoyue can't say it either, she loves Xiao Zhang deeply, and she knows that returning to the city has become Xiao Zhang Zhang's obsession is gone. Now that he finally has the opportunity to return to the city with a fair and bright face, how could he give up?     After learning that she could take the college entrance examination, Chen Xiaoyue's mood became extremely low. She knew that she should be happy, and she also knew that she should not be such a selfish person, but she just couldn't control her emotions.     She was pregnant at first, but in the later stage, her body became bulky. Because of the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs, her appetite has become very poor now, and she can't eat anything at all.     Because of this reason, Chen Xiaoyue has lost a lot of weight, and now she is uneasy because of these things. She is getting thinner and thinner, and she only has a protruding belly, and there is no flesh anywhere else.

    Seeing Chen Xiaoyue like this, Xu Xiaofeng and Chen Fusheng were so anxious that they tried their best to cook food for Chen Xiaoyue. Make up her body so that she can grow some meat, but she vomits as much as she eats, not to mention the growth of meat, her body has become worse than before.

    Chen Fusheng was so anxious that he picked up all the dry cigarettes he had given up and smoked them, and Xu Xiaofeng wished that he could not leave Chen Xiaoyue, to greet her and care about her health.

    Chen Xiaoyue kept her spirits high and told her parents that she was fine, but that her appetite was not good recently, and it would be fine after a while, but when Chen Fusheng and Xu Xiaofeng saw Chen Xiaoyue like this, how could they reflect on it?

    People say that in the later stages of pregnancy, the appetite will be better than before. After all, if one person eats two supplements, the child can grow by eating more, but how can Chen Xiaoyue be like this?

    The two said and said, persuaded and persuaded, but to no avail.

    In desperation, the husband and wife had to have a good talk with Xiao Zhang, hoping that he could persuade Chen Xiaoyue.

    "Ah Xiao, you've been busy reading books and preparing for lessons recently. We shouldn't have bothered you about this, but there's nothing we can do about it. It's impossible for Xiaoyue to drag on like this."

    Recently, because of Chen Xiaoyue herself, her temperament has changed. She was very left, she didn't want to let Xiao Zhang go back to the city, but she didn't want to prevent him from realizing his dream. Go to university.

    Xiao Zhang couldn't beat Chen Xiaoyue, so he could only carry his luggage to the school.

    However, he would still go home to eat in the morning, noon and evening, but at a dining table, Chen Xiaoyue's behavior was quite normal when eating in front of Xiao Zhang, and the amount of food he ate was quite large, which seemed to be the amount of food for a normal pregnant woman , but when Xiao Zhang left, she immediately vomited a lot, wishing she could spit out her heart, liver, spleen and stomach.

    Moreover, she strangled Chen Fusheng and Xu Xiaofeng to death, not allowing them to tell Xiao Zhang about this, so Xiao Zhang never found out that Chen Xiaoyue was wrong.

    "Ah Xiao, Xiaoyue can't go on like this. She is a person with two bodies now. If she continues to toss like this, let alone the child, whether she can protect herself is another matter.

    " Listening to your words, she doesn't want to tell us old people if there is anything, but she has no such thoughts about you, can you persuade her more?"

    Xiao Zhang heard what Chen Fusheng and Xu Xiaofeng said. After the incident, he probably guessed what Chen Xiaoyue's heart was, and he immediately packed up and moved back home.

    When Chen Xiaoyue saw Xiao Zhang coming back, she didn't want him to live there, so she still drove him back to live in the school.

    "Xiaoyue, I've already decided. What you say is useless. You must eat well, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it."

    Chen Xiaoyue did not expect that her parents would go to Xiao Zhang to come back. Seeing Xiao Zhang who kept asking her questions and caring about her body, the grievances in Chen Xiaoyue's heart kept pouring out. , crying sadly.

    Seeing Chen Xiaoyue like this, Xiao Zhang panicked and hurriedly appeased her emotions, but she had suppressed it for so long, how could she be coaxed in a few words? The more Xiao Zhang coaxed, the more sad she cried, and the whole person had already cried to tears.

    Xiao Zhang had no choice but to hold Chen Xiaoyue in his arms and coax her softly.

    Chen Xiaoyue lay in Xiao Zhang's arms and cried, until she couldn't control her hiccups.

    Xiao Zhang was both distressed and funny: "Xiaoyue, what are you doing? If you don't want to be separated from me, then you should also go to university."

    Chen Xiaoyue didn't expect Xiao Zhang to say such a thing, she ah With a bang, he raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhang blankly, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

    Xiao Zhang asked her to take the university entrance exam too. How could she take the university entrance exam? She is a rural girl, and she is married and has children. Can she pass the university entrance exam?

    Xiao Zhang felt that these were not problems.

    "Xiaoyue, you are actually very smart. You are a high school student, and you have only graduated for a year. Your previous academic performance is also very good. If you want to learn, you can pick it up soon. You are actually better than me. The advantage is even greater."

    When Xiao Zhang wanted to praise people, his words were not heavy. In his mouth, Chen Xiaoyue was a learning genius, as long as she wanted to, she could be admitted to any university.

    Chen Xiaoyue didn't think that she still had this road before, and she became excited when she heard the prospect described by Xiao Zhang.

    But soon her feverish brain calmed down, she raised her hand and touched her belly, with a look of helplessness on her face: "But the child is about to be born, how can I tell the difference? What about the exam?"

    Xiao Zhang said, "It's alright, and no one stipulates that mothers can't take the exam. I calculated the time. You are in confinement when you take the exam, so you can take it."

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