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Chapter 11 The Educated Youth in the Seventies

    The rumbling sound was like thunder. From far and near, the big guy was startled and looked towards the sky subconsciously.

    I saw that the sky was blue and blue, there was not even a hint of cloud, and the thunder was obviously not from the sky.

    But if it's not from the sky, where does the sound come from?

    The villagers looked at each other and looked around. Soon a sharp-eyed villager looked towards the way up the mountain. However, he suddenly opened his mouth as if he saw something strange, and his face showed a ghostly expression. .

    "Look, what's that? I'm not awake and blind, am I? How else would I see the wood running?"

    The young queen was so shocked that the voice he yelled was a little out of tune. , The villagers looked towards the bottom of the mountain together, but when they saw the dark and crushed thing coming up from the bottom of the mountain, everyone was shocked.

    They have lived for a long time and have never seen anything like this before. It feels like a dream. No, they don’t dare to dream such absurd dreams even if they dream. Have you hallucinated?

    Because of the shock, the villagers were so shocked that they lost their voices. They stood there blankly for a long time without regaining their senses. They just looked at the group who came down from the mountain in a daze and didn't know what to do. What language is used to describe things.

    However, compared with the frightened villagers, Chen Fusheng, the captain, is much more calm. After all, he helped to get those things together. Even if he was shocked again, he was shocked up to now. , So in front of this large group of villagers who had forgotten to speak, Chen Fusheng had a subtle sense of pride.

    "Let's give way, big guys give way to make room."

    "Li Lao Liu, stand aside and don't get in the way."

    "Zhang Lao Si, don't stand in the middle of the road, wait a while If you hit you, it’s not good."

    "Oh, who's the daughter-in-law, pull it back quickly. Didn't you see everything came here?"

    Chen Fusheng started to arrange things with his voice, and the villagers seemed to be frightened. I stayed, my mind seemed to have lost the ability to think, one by one was incredibly well-behaved, almost always instructing one action, and quickly standing on the side of the road.

    After a while, the position was vacated.

    Chen Fusheng also stood by, waiting nervously and expectantly.

    After waiting for

    a short while, the group of rumbling things stopped in front of Chen Fusheng. They all stopped, and a layer of khaki dust came up. After that, the tall Xiao Zhang Zhang was tall. He stepped his leg and jumped off from above. He strode to Chen Fusheng, smiled and asked: "Dad, I am not late, am I? Can I catch up to help?"

    Chen Fusheng looked at his son-in-law. How rare it is to look at it, and I am so happy that I can’t see my eyes: "It was just right, without any delay, you have all debugged it? Are you sure there will be no problems?"

    Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "It's all debugged and there are no problems at all. This is the cut rice, right? Dad, you ask how many people to move to the car, and I will transport it again. There is a lot of rice here, but it is estimated that it can be transported all in one trip."

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