Chapter 1

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Sapnap paced around the office nervously, simply trying to keep his nerves at bay as Karl sat watching him.

It had been exactly one week since he had agreed to help George with his barely formulated plan for revenge. In an attempt to flesh out the details of how exactly they were going to manage this, Sapnap had arranged a meeting with George today. But George was already running an hour late, and as each second ticked past, Sapnap regretted his decision more and more.

He turned abruptly on his heels, his brow drawn as he began pacing back to the other side of the office. He could feel Karl's eyes on him, but he kept his own eyes cast down to the floor.

"Tell me again why you agreed to help him?" he heard Karl's voice cut through the silence.

Sapnap finally paused, sighing as he pried his eyes up from the floor to meet Karl's questioning gaze.

"Because," he replied, "George doesn't have anything left to lose, which makes him dangerous. I know how he can be, and I'd much rather have him on our side than have him against us."

Karl nodded, although he didn't look fully convinced, which Sapnap understood. He huffed out another breath, crossing the room and drawing closer to Karl. When he reached him, he offered a hand to Karl, who accepted with a smile. He pulled him up so he was standing, and Karl draped his arms over Sapnap's shoulders while Sapnap's hands slid to his waist.

"And I understand how George is feeling," Sapnap quietly muttered, "it's not fair that Technoblade gets to go on with his life like nothing happened. And I've tried moving past it, but I don't know that I really can as long as I know that he's out there."

At this, Karl's face softened and he nodded slowly in understanding.

"Okay," Karl replied, "whatever you wanna do, I'll be there to back you up."

Sapnap hummed happily at this, and his eyes dropped down to the smile on Karl's face. He felt a flood of nervous energy, because even after all this time, he still felt like a lovesick teenager around Karl.

His mind quickly flashed back to the conversation he had with Dream while he was in the hospital, when Dream teased him for not being able to talk to Karl when he first started working with the team. Sapnap had denied it, of course, but the truth was that Dream had been spot on.

Sapnap could still remember Karl's very first day with the team. Dream had brought him around and introduced him to everyone, and Sapnap had barely been able to mutter out a decent hello. And that's because Karl was easily the prettiest person he had ever laid eyes on. From the mess of brown hair that fell into his eyes, to the huge smile that adorned his face, everything about him was simply perfect.

For weeks, Sapnap had tried to work up the nerve to talk to Karl, but every time he made an attempt, he ended up with a mess of twisted nerves in his stomach. He couldn't remember anyone else ever making him feel quite this nervous, and he felt pathetic with every failed attempt at conversation. But finally, after giving himself yet another silent pep talk, Sapnap had somehow willed himself through the doors of the surveillance room at last.

And because Karl was one of the friendliest people on the team, things between them had developed easily and quickly. They were friends within days, and a few weeks into their friendship, things took another turn. It had happened after work one day; Sapnap had asked Karl if he wanted to go out for a drink, and Karl had accepted. He hadn't even planned it to happen this way, but after a few too many drinks, Sapnap had kissed Karl on the crowded dance floor.

And that was the start of their relationship. They had kept it secret from most of the team, but of course, Dream had figured it out almost immediately. He would always tease Sapnap about it, and Sapnap would always deny it. But he knew just how obvious he was, because every time Karl walked into the room, he couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

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