Chapter 22

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George's heart was drumming hard against his ribs. He was standing in what used to be Dream's office, and what had been serving as Sapnap's office for the past six months. Dream was sitting on the edge of the desk, and George was restlessly pacing back and forth across the room.

"George," Dream's voice broke through the silence, stilling George's pacing and drawing his attention over towards the blonde.

Dream's brows were knit together, and he stepped forward in a reach for George's hand as he quietly muttered, "calm down, okay? I'm here."

George nodded, stepping forward and sinking into the warmth of Dream's arms as they circled around him. He liked knowing that Dream was there, but his nerves were still quickly spiraling out of control. He took slow breaths, listening to the steady beating of Dream's heart as a palm rubbed soothing circles against his back.

"Let me call him, Dream," George's voice was near pleading as he tipped his face up, "please. Maybe there's something I can do."

Dream's eyes searched his carefully, and he shook his head in response as he said, "I don't think it's a good idea. It's too predictable, and it's probably exactly what he wants."

It felt like someone was reaching into George's chest and squeezing the air from his lungs. He tipped his head forward and let his forehead rest against Dream's chest as he spoke, "please, Dream. I need to do something, I need to. If anything happens to Karl, I won't forgive myself. And I don't think Sapnap will either."

Warm hands tipped George's face back up, and Dream pressed a light kiss to his forehead as he muttered, "George, we're doing this together, as a team. And that means we make the decisions together, and we act on those decisions together. We're not going to repeat the same mistakes as last time, but we're going to get Karl back and he's going to be okay."

George desperately wanted the words to be true, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he nodded slowly in confirmation. Dream was right, and he couldn't just run straight into Technoblade's hands again. They were going to do it right this time, and they were going to do it as a team.


*Sapnap's perspective*

Karl was a creature of habit, he had been since the very first day that Sapnap had met him.

Although there was plenty of parking at the office building the team operated out of, Karl insisted on parking a few blocks away. He told Sapnap that he liked the short walk, that it helped him clear his head before he would inevitably be stuck in the surveillance room for the remainder of the day. And he also liked to stop at a small cafe that was about a block away from the office.

Almost every morning, he would pick up his favorite coffee, appearing in Sapnap's office with a second coffee in hand and depositing it onto the desk with a smile. He had been doing it ever since they had started secretly dating, and he would even occasionally add on a pastry with a handwritten sticky note meant only for Sapnap's eyes.

It was no wonder that Sapnap had fallen for him as quickly as he had; Karl was the most genuinely selfless person he had ever met. In this line of work, meeting Karl was like finally taking a breath of fresh air, and Sapnap's chest tightened because it had been ripped away from him in a matter of seconds.

Sapnap's feet carried him down the hallway. He knew Dream and George were probably in the office just one floor up, but he was headed for the elevator that would deposit him onto the ground floor.

He strode through the lobby quickly, pushing through the front door and rushing down the sidewalks until he was reaching the parking deck from the surveillance tape. It was the same one Karl always parked in, and he knew exactly where the car would be parked.

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