#19 Alone

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"Get up" Ben says as he unlocks my door. He treats me how he treats all the other prisoners because of last night. I am no longer worth his precious time.

I roll over grab my clothes that I had laid out the night before and head to the bathroom. People stare at me through their bars. They were waiting for me to break down because of Max's leaving but I only disappoint again.

I hold my head high and glare at the people who dare come close enough.

After getting dressed I head to assembly in the hall. Without Max I need to find someone else to sit with.

A small girl with red hair and intelligent blue eyes sits alone in the back row. I assume everyone I scared of her, she did look menacing in red. But I knew it's because everywhere she went nobody likes her. I head over to her and take a seat.

"What did I do to get your attention, Sophie?" She says dryly

"Nothing. You know why I'm here right?" I ask looking at stage like she does.

She looks at me but I continue to look away "I may be nine and stuck in juvi but I'm not blind. The guards are just idiots"

I smile slightly at that "you prepared to help"

"What's in it for me?" Tori asks. She was an old Other Side member. One of our smartest and best junior students. Susan wanted her to be like me so I spent some time with Tori. We were both hated but for different reasons. She was hated because of her elder brother. He cause trouble and it impacted the whole family. Her brother was in my class and even though Tori had little emotion to show I could tell she marvelled at how I put him in line.

"Well, one, I'm taking you with me and, two, I can get you out of that stupid school and away from wretched teachers" I turn and look her in the eye. She tosses up her options

"How will you do that?" She narrows her eyes and crosses her small arms.

"Susan's wants you to be like me so all I have to do is train you. Of course learning by me will be more eventful and exciting. Oh, I also promise more days off and field trips" I give her a suggestive look at the words 'field trips'

"So let me get this straight" she eyes me suspiciously "I help you out and when we get back you'll get me out of my dimwitted class, train me to be like you so I can kick my brothers arse, let me have more days off and I get to go on missions with you?"

"Self appointed missions. Technically when I get back I'll be on count down to my wedding then I'll be off missions unless Susan asks personally. Those are to be done with Max or solo. But being me I can say we were training or just make up some excuse. Susan won't care as long as their are more people like me"

"What do you want me to do?" We both look at the stage again where Ben's setting up.

I smile wickedly "you know the plan cause your smart and all. Now I need you to spread the word to all members"

I see her smiling and nodding out of the corner of my eye. "Deal" she says as she flicks her fringe out of her eyes.

Tori was young, nine years and a half if you want to be technical. We don't send children out at that age, it's suicidal. Why is Tori here then?

Two months before I choose this mission she went into the city alone.

That day her brother had been appointed a wife and job. She wanted me to be his wife because she hated everyone else but Dean had one of Lisa's followers. This upset Tori and Dean was angry because he was to be a cleaner and his future wife, the person in charge of distributing clothes. He had gone home and yelled and hit Tori. She reacted back, got a few hits but Dean had scarred her.

She ran out of the house and wasn't seen again.

But I knew. She had left a note at my house when I had come home from training.

In her small squiggly writing it told me that she had gone to the city to find a job for her brother. A real job.

I was worried about her but I didn't bother to go after her. I knew she would be caught at first sight and that she was long gone by now.

I was told someone recognised her and she was taken to the Juvi.

She was partly why I took up this mission.

Dean saw me before I left. He cursed at me and said that if his sister didn't come home then I shouldn't even bother coming back. I said that I would bring her back and punched him for yelling death threats.

Now here I am with Tori planning a mission.

With Tori spreading the news, Max's on the out side and me leading there was no chance of failure.

The worse thing that could happen would be if I get caught.

"Morning prisoners" Ben growls into the mic and everyone shuts up. His bad mood making everyone scared for their life.

A jail full of teenage rogues or a room full of pussies?

"Roll call" he yells. After going through the names he starts with chores.

"...Tori, ironing... Sophie, kitchen..." Tori and I share a look before splitting ways and starting our job.

We were in three groups this morning. With me telling my group and her sharing the news with her ironing group we would have told everyone but a third. I knew who could handle that.

"Eli" I hiss at Max's friend he seemed to make. Eli stomps over to me breaking away from his gardening group.

"What?" He mumbles. Eli was huge. Attempted murder I think. Surely he could help.

"Your not from the Other Side but I need your help. I need you to spread a message. We're breaking out tonight and if you help I promise that I will make sure that you make it out with us"

"Fine" he grumbles and walks off towards his group. He made it sound as if it was a chore. I don't think I could ever like or understand this boy.

"Sophie!" Some snaps behind me and I turn to see Ben glaring at me.

I hope he didn't hear what I had just said. I hoped with my whole heart otherwise I had just given away our mission. I grimace "Y-yes?"

He sighs "you have a job to do"

"Right, kitchen" I giggle which sounded strange and unnecessary. Ben looks at me weird and I quickly turn and walk off.

I walk past the roster wall and see that Ben was on guard tonight. He was to sleep in the office while two other guards did rounds.

I had to take down Ben to make this plan work.

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