#4 Interrogation

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"Imma gonna" I mumble in my sleep "Get you back for this"

"By all means, try" I can hear the smile in the strangers voice. I can't see him, my eyes are still closed.

They must have knocked me out again.

I open my eyes, finally, and squint against the bright light.

My eyes adjust and I look around to see a bright light is pointed at my face. I'm in a dark room but I can make out a silhouette across from me.

I go to reach out at them, to strike them maybe. I wasn't completely sure what I was doing, but my arm wouldn't move. I look down to see I'm tied to a chair. "Damn it" I hiss.

"Don't worry Sophie I just have a few questions to ask you. Nothing Max hasn't already gone through"

"Fire away" I mumble. There was no getting out of this.

"What are your plans?"


"What are your plans?"


"What are your plans!?"

I sigh "You rich people think we always have something up are sleeves, we don't"

"What do you do then?"

"Make it up as we go along, well I'm talking for myself here and I'm one of the best they got"

"Uh huh" he mumbles "who is your leader?"

"Classified" I roll my eyes. These people have televisions, yet from all the cop shows and secret agent movies they still won't learn that a person will never reveal their leader.

"Who is your leader?"

"A person that not even you can stop. How's that?"

"This isn't a joke. Who is your leader?"

"It isn't a joke to you but it is to me" he gives me a stern look so I lean as far forward as I could with these ropes around me and spat right in his face "I ain't gonna tell you nothing and you can't make me so just get your body building buddies in here so I can get out"

He looks coolly at me "After this stage there is a series of scans, medical tests and searches. We can't let you into the jail with weapons and/or connections with the outside world"

"Understood. Can I go now?"

"So your not admitting to carrying any weapons or devices?"

"No" I laugh "I left my gun at home. Got a problem with that?" No way was I helping with their superior look over me. They weren't. I was better, I had learned the hard way. I wasn't softened by riches and desires.

"Why would you leave your gun at home when you knew you would be facing the Police?" He questions

"And here we go with the questions" Sarcasm drips with my words "Again!"

"Guards, take her to get scanned"

"Thank you" I sigh. I had put up with enough of his stupid questions, I had a mission to do.

I was untied from my chair and forced to stand up. From there, hands cuffs were placed around my wrists then I was pushed out of the room. The next room was brightly lit and my eyes had to adjust from the darkness of the last room.

I was scanned, patted down, questioned again, poked and prodded. And then I had an appointment with a doctor.

Would it ever end?

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