#9 Tracking

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~Dustin's Pov~

"Dustin!" Mum called and I walked into the kitchen to see her cooking tea "Have you completed your homework?"

"Yes, to the best of my ability" I roll my eyes.

"Where's your father?" She asks

"I think he's watching the news?" That was a guess but he's always there watching a Sophie Newman update. That wasn't much lately because no Other Side members were out because their strongest was captured. Well that was my guess.

Ben had put The Other Side out of business for a few months. I wonder how he's doing in the prison with Max Brown and Sophie Newman. No doubt they would have stirred up trouble.

"Can you get him for me?"

"Sure" I find dad on the couch talking into his phone again.

"My son needs me. We'll talk about her later" Her? It better not be Sophie again.

"Mum wants you"

"That's lad" he pays my shoulder and continues to the kitchen.

I found myself bored and decided to go for a walk to see Ben. I had been to the prison before and I could've back before tea because of my short cuts.

"Hey I'm going for a walk!" I yell and mum calls back something about being home for tea.

I grab my coat and pull it right around me because of the late Autumn air. I hug it close as I walk down the hall, preparing myself for weather outside.

My hand reaches for the handle right when someone rings the door bell.

I drop my hand and sigh. "Can you get that Dustin!" Mum calls.

I reach towards the handle again and pull open the door to see a man in a dark suit standing in front of my with a police office to his right and a Juvi guard to his left.

"Can I help you?" I ask, with an eyebrow curved in confusion.

"Is this the Baker family?" The front guy asks

"Yeah..?" I drag out "Do you want dad or mum? I can get them for you"

"No, your who we want, Dustin?" He tilts his head waiting for an answer to his guess at my name.

"Yes I'm Dustin. What..." I couldn't even finish before they interrupted.

"May you come with us?" Suit man questions.

"Sure" I say to them then call out to mum "I'm going away for a while. I'll be back home later, don't wait up!"

"Be careful Dustin!" Mum calls back and dad walks into the hallway to see who's at the door

"Dustin who are these men?"

"I'm Harry Wallace. We are here to talk to your son" suit man steps forward and shakes dad hand.

"Is he in trouble?" Of course my parents had to ask that.

"You could say that, yes" Harry answers in his dull tone.

"I'm sorry but what did I do?" I say taking a step towards the guy.

"You may have heard that recently that Sophie Newman was caught?" I nod "well when she said her brother was coming for her, we did some research. During her medical tests they took a blood sample which we have been analysing. Her blood test came up with a similar blood sample to yours. Did you know she was your sister?"

still fairly short.

If you want more then just comment or tell me.



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