#5 Match Making (Day 1)

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"Breakfast" a voice calls and I roll over on my bed. The guy unlocks my door and slides in a tray with food on it. "Be at the hall by seven sharp and no later"

I shuffle towards the door and look at the guard. I give him a glare and he gives me a cocky smile.

"Morning Soph" he smiles

"It's Sophie" I hiss

"I think I can call my prisoner what I want" He smirks as he sees me turn red in frustration.

I push open my door and take a step towards him, and he took one back "My Name is Sophie Newman and I don't care if your the best guard this prisons got because I'm the best the Other Side has. I am stronger, better trained and smarter than you. You will call me Sophie not Soph or any other crack at my wealth"

"I suggest you get dressed and met David in the office" he points at the first door, the one next to my room "he's not very patient" The guard turns and walks off while whistling. He mumble something under his breath that sounded a lot like "Soph"

I bunch up my fists and storm back into my room. I grab clothes then peer at my meal. It was practically inedible, so I pushed it to the side and walked to the bathroom.

My change of clothes were once again green. Navy shorts, which everyone wore, and a white tank top with #1 printed on the front in green. I pulled a green hoodie over the top and unzipped it all the way to show off my number just nicely.

I step out of my cubicle and see Max at the basin. "Morning" I say dryly.

He laughs "This place just isn't right for someone like you Sophie" he says to the mirror.

"What makes you think you know me so well?" I snicker.

His eyes met mine through the mirror "Well if I don't already know you as well as I think I do, then we have plenty of time to learn about each other..."

"Who said I didn't already have you worked out?" I just said that because I didn't want him to finish that sentenced. I didn't want to be order around.

"There's more than mets the eye" He smirks. This is why I wasn't happy, because it was Max Brown. "Oh, and before you rudely cut me off" Don't say it "I was going to say" No, don't say it. I don't want it to be true "that we can get to know each other better once you've moved in"

I sigh and he frowns at the mirror. He didn't care who the girl was, just as long he got one but I didn't want just any man. I didn't really want one at all. I wanted freedom.

"Not happy about that? Well I am..."

"I don't care. You don't care" I scream exasperated "just as long as you serve the Other Side and get a wife, Job and Family"

"You have me all wrong Sophie. Yes I want those things but I want them with you. The other girls aren't what I like and frankly if I had to choose, it would be you"

"Argh" I breath out and close my eyes "I don't want to be ruled. I want freedom. I am my own master, it's how I've made it this far. I will not stoop below you because you are a man. Because you... own me" There, I said it. Max was my... well- boyfriend.

But not by choice, may I add.

Back home Max is the kinda guy every girl falls for because he's fit, smart and good looking. Well, every girl but me. Against my wishes, we are stuck together. Let me explain why.

At The Other Side we go through a series of tests that are completed at the age of seventeen or that year. There is challenges on team work, smarts, strength, mission planning, mission execution and agility. Susan and her second in commands then sort through our results and give us partners that are similar to our selves. They then also become our mission partners, that's why I'm here with him now. The Other Side is all about work and protest first, missions and members second, leadership and learning third and finally family and love. So in other terms then 'partners', females are given to a male to work with and raise a family together. Max owns me and I must listen to him, except for this case where I am mission controller. That's how we work. I hate it. I like Max as a friend but the glares and snickers I get from the other girls just about drives me over the edge.

After the age of eighteen the female will move into the males house to live with his parents. That's why Luke's wife lives with us. Two smart nerdy people and two fit mission controllers.

Did I mention that I hate it?

"Sophie" He sighs "The Other Side is messed up but as the test show, we are to be together. We don't have a choice and honestly, I do like you"

"Don't try this 'I like you' stuff on me. I'm not falling for you any time soon and that's how it will stay. I will be with you because of my responsibilities as a member of The Other Side. I can not be forced" Max pulls off his night shirt and grabs his T-shirt from his pile.

"I know, but why bother telling me this and getting all angry when we might as well get along" He pulls the shirt over his head and turns towards me. He sighs and looks down at me "Sophie your a great girl and I know this is strictly business for you, unlike the other girls, that's why I like you and want to be" Again, don't say it "your husband"
Damn it

I look at the ground and he places his hands on my shoulder. People who walk in and out of the bathroom don't dare to disturb us. "Your right" I sigh "At least you better than Dean"

"Only Dean?" He winces

"That's as much of a compliment your getting today" I snap before turning on my heel and walking away.

I had a 'David' to meet.


Wow! Oh my! Gosh!

It that what your thinking? Make sure you tell me, please!

So to make it simple...

Max and Sophie are to be married, work together, have children and live together.

They are a couple...

...Without a choice

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