#3 Two Birds With One Guard

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I walk over to the couch and sit down for my daily news. It was a routine. Eat tea, clean up, watch news, go to bed.

Easy as that.

"Turn the TV on Dustin" Dad says as he sits down next to me. I switch in the television to be meet by Darrel's excited face.

'Today has been history in the making folks' He smiles excitedly 'today we have seen, not one but two Others Side members put behind bars. None other then our last night captive, Max Brown, and his friend Sophie Newman was finally caught tonight'

My father sprays his drink all over the lounge and starts choking.

"Dad are you..."

"Shhh!" He silence me and points to the screen.

'Head guard, Ben Pierce, is our man to thank not just for catching Max but for catching Sophie Newman as well'

"Way to go Ben" I cheer and dad looks at me like I came from another planet.

'Max arrived at the prison and here was what he had to say' a recorded video of Max's arrival at the prison plays on screen.

Max falls back onto David pushing him to the ground. He then starts picking his lock and then faces Ben. The whole scene was a mess. The Other Side really was a bunch of people with their heads on backwards.

"The Other Side always wins" he says so the mic picked it up before he was hauled off by David and Ben.

'Sophie Newman put up quite the fight tonight too'

Another video comes up of Sophie, but this one was live.

The police were pulling her into the back of a van and she looked around at each guard and gave an evil looking smirk.

She see the camera and looks straight at it. That slight smile was in her lips again, it was as if she was telling me something.

Just before she was fully into the back of the van she gave a full smile and said her last words as a free person. "I'll be back. My brother will come for me!" That was the last thing she should have said. Now the police will be after her brother, who ever he was.

I look at dad and he looked worried. "Dad she was caught, we are now safer than before. Why are you worried?"

He looked at me. His intense gaze looks straight into my eyes "Brother. Sophie's brother" was all he said, then he got up and ran out of the room.

"You know her brother?" I get up to follow him but he walks into his bedroom and slams his door right in my face.

I stand outside the door, shocked. Sophie was finally caught and my father was worried? He slammed a door in his own sons face!

I was about to walk away when I heard him talking, he must be on the phone.

"Sophie... news... caught... jail" his voice was muffled because of the door. I pushed it open a little so I could hear better but he started whispering. "You... take... my... bad" there was a pause as he listened to the person on the other line talking "I didn't have a choice!" He yells then hangs up the phone.

I hearing him sighing and I watch him close the phone and throw it at the carpet. He sits on his bed and places his head in his hands and murmurs the same thing over and over again.

"I did it for Sarah. I did it for Dustin. It was the only way"


That was quite short but I wanted another chapter from Dustin's point of view.

I'm not sure about the new version of the other side so you should tell me what you think. It would make me feel better.

This chapter is dedicated to RubixCube89201
I loved her books 'it all started with a jacket' and 'the good girls bad boys'
Make sure you check them out!

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