#8 Friend or Foe

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"Luke" I say sternly as I jerk my head this way and that "I'm ready"

I was mumbling and started to wake up because of someone's laughter. My eyes snap open and Ben is standing above me looking down at my sleeping self like the cocky creep he was.

"Luke? I like the name" he smirks. He knew. Oh no, I had given away Luke's name.

"It's a character in my dream?" I say nervously

"You dream about your imaginary friend? Your telling me that a teenage, highly trained, gang like member that's in a prison dreams about something so soft? I'm not buying it" he starts a silent laugh "I'm ready? Seriously who is this Luke?"

"Damn it Ben not like that! The tone of voice should of given it away" I grumble at his gross thoughts of me.

"How was I to know?" He laughs as he whistles and walks from my room "Oh and your welcome" he winks and disappears into his office.

"Your welcome?" I say out loud and then I scramble off my bed and chase him into the office "welcome for what?"

"Don't you remember?" He raises and eyebrow looking curious.

"I remember being in this office with David when...
Oh" that's all I could say "what happened?"

"You fainted in front of me and Max. We had you checked at the hospital and found you covered in bruises, and a mild concussion. I took you back and laid you on your bed then spoke with my father. David is on a three week leave" I felt violated.

I had gotten rid of David like planned without meaning to. "That's a relief"

"Yeah but your still here" he smirks as he shuts the door in my face.

He had a point. I was still here. I sigh and slap my hands down against my shorts. A sharp pain goes through my hand and I look down to see a trail of blood running down my palm.

I glance at my shorts and see the sewing needle.

I had an idea.

I run back to the bathroom and lock myself in my cubical with a fresh pair of clothes. Old denim overalls and a green top.

I change and gather my old clothes in my arms. Holding the pile up near my chest I quickly and quietly mumble into my wrist "Tall electric fence turned off four an hour at three in morning to save power. Second window on left wall, meet you there. Bring what I told you. Don't be late"

I quickly enter back into the main area of the bathroom and the loud chatter dims at my presence.

"Argh!" I growl and everyone stops and looks at me "your a bunch of criminals starting acting like it instead of the five year old bed wetters you really are! Im a prisoner so are you, green means nothing. I want to be treated normally" I turn and walk towards the door but turn back abruptly scaring a small girl, even after my speech "just don't piss me off" I add. It was for their own safety.

I exit the bathroom and watch my feet going back and forth as I walk when I run into someone.

"Who guessed you'd be clumsy?" Ben smiles showing white teeth

I lean down and starting picking up my clothes "I'm not. I was just distracted"

"With Luke?" He laughs

"No! The prisoners here are creeping me out with their nervous glances, hushed tones and twitching"

"Shame. Their scarred off you and your creeped out by them. Do you want me to hold a hippy group? Make peace? Friendship bracelets? Maybe a dating site and you could bring Luke"

"Stop saying Like like that. He's not that to me!" I stop quickly before I say to much more

"Ok, alright" he holds his hands up in surrender "Wait" he suddenly chimes "What does I'm ready mean then and who is he"

"First answer me this. Was David injured?"

"Yeah?" He dragged out the word "Concussion and sprained ankle"

"Well that's cause he got personal. Don't make the same mistake" I go to leave but he grabs me

"So your saying you bet him up because he asked questions"

"No. He called me scum and I hit a nerve in him. He got made and grabbed me. I was only doing self defence" I huff

"I'll find this Luke. I know you have a brother. I skimmed your file"

"What makes you think he's my brother? And you also would have read that my real parents are rich" I cross my arms over my chest

"Yeah, I know. Luke must be a half brother or something" he starts to walk back to the office as he talks "and I know you real brother"

What did he just say? Real brother.

"Who is he?" I call after Ben

"You'll find out soon. The police are after your so called 'brother that will come for you'" that's what I had called just before the police dragged me off "during in your medical tests the took a blood sample. They'll find you brother. Just your real one"

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