#10 Closer

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~Sophie's Pov~

After what Ben had said, I had an uneasy sleep. I kept tossing and turning. I couldn't walk around like I would at home because my cell was locked at night.

At least I had to be up at three anyway.

Dylan or Luke we're meeting me here if had got my message earlier in the day.

At three in the morning the electric fence was turned off for so they could get over or under. The same went for security cameras, and they call us poor. The day, office guard is sleeping in the room next mine and the rounds guards usually falls asleep somewhere or is on the other side of the compound by now.

Three was the only safe time for them not be caught.

"Sophie?" A voice whispers

"Argh! Luke the signal is never my name, someone might here. Do a fake bird sound or something" I whisper shout

"You want me to do that now?" He asks confused

"No!" I whisper in frustration "just give me what I asked and get out before your caught.

"Right" he hands me the objects while asking if I was okay and what it was like living here.

"Best experience of my life" I grumble

"Don't talk to me like that grumpy bum. I better go"

"Goodbye Luke" he nods in the dark and runs off toward the fence "I'll miss you brother" I whisper after his descending silhouette.

I stand at my window for a minute longer before sighing and getting to work. I had three hours.

By five in the morning I was sweaty and tried. I flipped down on my bed just as Ben walked past to open my door.

I hear the click and sigh. Freedom. Or as close as it got here.

"Morning to you too" he snickers before moving on to the next door.

I lay in bed for half an hour, resting because of my restless night and then get up to get ready in time.

As I walk to the bathroom an uneasy feeling settles over me.

My real brother was going to be dragged into the mess because of me. Me.

I hope he didn't get in trouble. I hope he never knew.

I knew he was real. I saw him one day, or I thought it was him. What's it matter? The Other Side is my real family. Some of them want me.

Guess my real home and Other Side home are the same.

They don't want me, only some do and I drag them into trouble. Then I hurt them.

I just wanted to live normally.

"Sophie? You look pale"

I place my hand over my heart and spin on my heel to see Max. "You scared me" I growl at him

"Yep. Something's wrong. No one can scare Sophie Newman"

"Actually I found out my real name is Sophie Baker" I inform

"Your not actually changing you name? Wait how is it your real name?"

"I was born into a rich family but they gave me up. Their written on my birth certificate and according to Ben they're going after my brother. Not Luke. My real brother"

"Wow, um, ok? Why hasn't you told me?"

"Cause I'm independent and I don't like telling people this stuff. I thought you knew? Everyone on the Other Side treats me differently because of it" at least it's what I thought.

"They treat you differently cause their jealous. No one knows" His tone was soft and I couldn't help but believe him. His voice also showed sorrow and that was a no no.

"Don't feel sorry for me" I spit

"Sophie" he sighs, obviously over my mood "I do feel sorry for you because everyone goes through something worth being sorry about. Your my girlfriend, future wife whatever and you have to put up with that. I love you but I can't live with you if you won't talk to me. If you keep being this moody... Sophie? Are you even listening to me?" He tills his head and watches my expression. "Sophie?"

My eyes snap from where they were looking to look straight into his eyes. My body was ridged and my eyes were wide. "Love?" I say quietly

"Um" he scratches the back of his neck "look, Sophie I love you not because I have too..." I don't know what went over me but I placed my finger in his lips making him shut up

"No one has ever said that to me"

"Like a guy?" He looked confused

"No, like no one. No one has wanted me, ever. I was given up as a child. My family know I don't belong, The Other Side know I don't belong. I've heard others say that to each other but never to me"

"Sophie..." he whispers looking down into my eyes as he grabs me hands. I stare at the floor knowing I would crack if I looked at him.

His fingers trace the edge of my chin making me look up at him. He opens his mouth to say something when someone slams into his back making him crash against me and me fall against the wall. I was now out of Max's grip, saved from that awkward moment.

I turn to see Max glaring at Ben who was looking from Max to me and back to Max.

A smile spread across Ben's lips as he started laughing. "That's rich" he laughed to himself as he walked into the hall.

"Sophie..." Max called but I had hurried after Ben into the hall.

Had a little bit more romance in there for the girls reading but I still want to keep it mainly action for the boys reading. Even if there isn't many.

Sophax. Get excited!

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