Operation Uroboros pt 3

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(A/N Sorry i took so long, it took me time to think of this chapter but also i sort of added in desperate escape from RE5 though i'm not good at describing so i just look at the Wiki and the walkthrough script. I hope you like it so enjoy!)

Neuro pov

Once we hurried up the stairs that lead us the back to the top of the ruined Palace, we continued our path when i signal them to stop as they did, i peek out and look at the area ahead of us, seeing the Infected majini were swarming the area.

Atop the palace crowing light was reflecting off the energy from the sunlight and formed a deadly ray where one of the infected majini who slowly made his way to us but he got fried by the path of light.

As the light died soon after and Sheva said "Impressive... They appear to be focusing sunlight into a laser-like beam."

I said" Clever those guys but we have to be careful otherwise we'll get fried by the light. We can use the walls and passageways as cover to go forward" as we pull back into cover.

We hurried over to the side then Sheva looks back at the door that was locked and she said "Let's investigate that door before proceeding."

We look back and nod at her then Chris pulls out his sniper. "Okay, you two, check the door, I'll try and pick the Infected off, clearing the way ahead." he informs us.

Sheva said "Roger," and i said" You got it!" as Chris then peeks out of cover, aiming his sniper, and began picking the Infected off.

Sheva and i stood in front of the locked door and investigate it as she asked me" Bolted shut. Kid, Do you think you can get it open?"

I look at the door and said " I'm not sure but judging by this door.....we're going to need three slates to open this door up" which made Sheva sigh. "But....looking for the three slates will take a long time so we'll have to do the easy way." much to her confusion.

I look at her and said" I suggest you should step back" which made sheva step back as i activate my power and use my super strength. I lift my fist and punch the door but nothing so i punch it again and again until there was a crack and broke the door into pieces, revealing there was a stairs, leading across to the magnifier.

I said" There! Problem solved!" much to her surprises.

Sheva calls Chris to come back because i managed to open the door by breaking it, much to Chris's surprises. He hurried back, clearing the infected majini that got in his way and avoid the sun laser.

Chris hurried back to the front to where we are and said to me" You could've at least done that sooner!"

I shrugged and said" Sorry but there's no time because we have to get there before those guys does."

As we hurried along and up the stairs, crossing the bridge until we notice the infected majini begin to run up the stairs to kill us. Chris and Sheva bring out their guns when i noticed the infected majini moves the 2 magnifier into the middle to where we are, ready to sun laser at us.

I did a smirk because my power is still activated and said" Oh no you don't!!" as i bring out the shuriken-bombs from my U-watch and throw it at the 2 diamond magnifier, causing to explode that destroys the magnifier.

Chris and Sheva managed to kill them from the behind then i yelled to them" Let's go, You two!" which we continue running up, crossing the bridge and made it in front of the temple doors as we opened the doors.

We look around at the room in front of us and saw it was empty and deserted, we walk forward, heading down the hallway of steps, and came to a locked stone door. Chris steps in front of it, placing his hand on the stone and it immediately opens for us.

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