Operation Uroboros pt 2

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Sheva pov

Several minutes later, the sun had completely set which is night time and we drive through the dark village of another Kijuju, where the bodies of Delta Team were scattered all around the premises.

I said "What could've done this?" which i turned away from the window.

Chris also looked away, after seeing the corpses on his side of the vehicle. Dave suddenly stopped the Humvee and he stepped out, follow by us. Dave ran towards one of the bodies and took a quick glance over his shoulder, then he tried to listen for breathing.

We armed ourselves with our weapons when suddenly the ground suddenly shook, making us went on alert, Chris and i closed in and flick our eyes around frantically. Then one of the Humvees went flying in the air.

"Look out!" Chris calls out as he and i scramble to the side which the Humvee smacks onto the ground in front of them.

Dave turned as a shadow appeared over him. He looked up and all he saw was a huge foot. He screamed before being stepped on or should i say smash.

The huge foot was attached to a huge ankle, which was attached to a giant humanoid creature(A/N It looked very similar to a El Gigante, only it's face was uglier and it had a silver colored beard. In these parts, it was called a Ndesu)

The creature roared. Chris and i, lowering our weapons, hurried over to the turned over Humvee. It began looking around as we hid behind the Humvee.

The creature turned around, then slapped a body of a deceased Delta member away. Chris turned to look at me and we began looking around.

The creature(Ndesu) grabbed the overturn vehicle, then pushed it away. Chris was facing in it's direction when it had did that. I suddenly noticed that something was different so i spun around until the Humvee was lifted off the ground, making us turn back and look up at the monster,

As the Humvee was thrown to the side, we step back and i fired that monster as Chris shouted, opening fire on it "Oh shit!" and i joined him as well.

The creature(Ndesu) roar at us, raises its fists to crush us but we avoid it and immediately ran under the creature, and we make a break for it.

It had noticed this, looking between his legs. "Go! Go! Go!" Chris shouted as the creature immediately gave chase. We jumps over some construction while the creature threw the construction out of the way.

Chris stopped running, then spun around, opening fire on it again. "Get to the truck!" he shouted. As the creature raised it's huge arms above it's head, bringing his hands together, then immediately brought us down.

The shockwave caused Chris to stumble a bit. I made it to the vehicle and hopped onto it when Chris tries to get to the vehicle but he was snatch away and got caught by The creature(Ndesu), much to my surprises

I exclaimed" Chris!!!"

Chris was unable to free himself even i can't shoot that monster because i might accidently hit my partner. Chris was struggling when the creature was attempted to kill him... until a blade slices its arms cleanly off.

As the creature(Ndesu) cries in pain while Chris falls to the ground along with the creature's arm which turns to ashes. I wondered what happened until i heard the voice, shouting " Hey Fat-head!!" which caught the creature's attention.

I look to see who it was but it turns out to be that Demon-Eye kid again but this time he wield his sword in blue flames.

I look to see who it was but it turns out to be that Demon-Eye kid again but this time he wield his sword in blue flames

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