Operation Javier pt 1

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(A/N I'm going to added a part of Resident Evil: Operation Javier) 

At the pizza diner that located on the county road

Kira pov

It's been 4 years ever since the raccoon city was destroyed and not only that i've completed my training from neuro. I mean seriously that was a hardest and tough training i ever had but i'm now 15 years old though for neuro, he hasn't age because i heard from cyber that it must've cause by the nexus virus to prevent him from aging. How sad for him but he don't care.

Also i'm now wearing beige skirt with black tips, and her top is a long-sleeved white shirt with puffs. In between her skirt and her top, she has a brown corset-like clothing garment. She also has a brown beret hat, black leggings, and brown and yellow, knee-high boots because its a good thing i have money with me from george

I was in a diner, eating the hamburg steak when i noticed the television about the incident in raccoon city again. I sighed because it shows about the incident all the times especially the umbrella corporation.

The customer finish and left which the waitress, darcy came, clearing the plate from the table as the chef, dean groaned" Those damn umbrella corporation are nothing but trouble" 

Darcy the waitress said" Oh come on, dean just ignored those reports besides we got customers who wants order food" as they continue their work

I continue eating when i heard one of the customers who were far beside me, eating pizza and the 1st guy said" Say have you ever heard a rumors in las vegas?"

The 2nd guy said" Oh yeah. I heard a rumors that those mafia sells illegal drugs in their secret warehouse until i heard of the mafias said that a mysterious guy who appear out of nowhere and destroy the illegal drugs and bring down the mafias to justice. Unfortunely when the police arrived, he suddenly disappear without trace which only leave the mafias who seems tramatized"

She gave the food to the 2 customers and said" Really? You think those rumors were true?"

The 1st guy said" I'm telling you, i heard that he also destroyed the facilities of the umbrella in europe and asia. Everyone says that he lived for so long its like he never age and nobody sees him. But most of all, no one sees his face in his hood because everyone were scared of him"

Darcy the waitress asked" Oh? then why would everyone scared of him?" and he said" It's because......they may not see his face but his eye.  When they look into his eye, they can see his eye glows in blue with red slit-pupil and that's not all a blue flame in his eye as well" which startles her

The 2nd guy said" That reminds me i was there in europe and almost caught up by that dangerous gang members and they're about to kill me until the mysterious guy came and he....just kills them all by his blue flames. He looks at me, thinking he would kill me but instead he just spared my life and no one would believe me"

She said which she don't believe" Oh dear well at least your lucky you didn't get killed"

I finish eating and about to drink a glass of water as the 1st guy said" I know right. My friend is safe but no one would know his name however i heard everyone calls him something as a nickname; the guy who has a blue eye that controls the blue flames. Would you like to know? Let's just say he is known as........'The Demon Eye' "

I spits out a drink and cough at the mentioned of the nickname that was given which i realize they're talking about neuro when Darcy the waitress notice me and asked" Woah there, You okay girl?"

I cough and said" Y-Yeah i'm okay its just that i never knew everyone calls him that" and then the chef dean came out from the kitchen who seems furious and said" Well i don't care what everyone calls him that and darcy, stop meddling around and help me out besides i got orders from the other customers"

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