Operation Las Plagas pt 2

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Troy pov

I can't believe the imupure one's name is neuro which is kinda weird name but ashely sort of like his name. We were about to continue to find a way out of this castle when leon's communications device began to beep, and leon hoped that the incoming call was Hunnigan, thinking she found a way to break into Salazar's disruption and had some good news. 

As i watched leon who turn on the device to accept the incoming transmission, he seem disappointed once again as the decrepit visage of Salazar came onto the screen. Anger began to replace the temporary happiness felt just moments ago, the memory of Luis' grisly murder still fresh on his mind.

"Aww," Salazar began, his tone of voice slightly mocking. "What a touching moment we have here."

Leon said" All spoiled thanks to your interruption, Why don't you do us all a favor and leave before the audience gets pissed off?"

Salazar chuckled and said "You're nothing but an extra in my script, so don't get too carried away. Your biggest scene is over."

Leon replied,"I don't ever remember being a part of your crappy script," 

He said "Well, then, why don't you show me what a first-class script is like...through your own actions." 

With that, Salazar ended the transmission, leaving Leon, troy and Ashley alone once more.

Troy said" Sheesh....That little guy surely loves to play games, that's for sure."

Leon said" I agree." even ashley too. 

We continue to find a way out of this castle so we headed down the large hallway, going past the large doors leading into another large room. Then a wave of heat, followed by a familiar smell, making me feel nostalgic. 

I questioned," Wait? Is that..lava?" noticing the warm orange glow in the room.

I continued walking over towards the edge of the floor, looking down to see my suspicions were correct. The ground a few feet below was replaced with hot lava. Two parallel metal rods were sticking out from one end towards the other end where a small set of stairs waited, showing the door across.

Two large gears were connected with metal rods and a small platform, fit for only one person to head across. 

I said" Okay this place is hot and dangerous"

Leon look at me and Ashley while i was distracted by the lava below as he said "You two wait here."

I look at him and said" Your not going there, aren't you? I mean would it be dangerous for you?"

He said" Don't worry i'll be fine besides i need you to stay with Ashley, I promise I won't be long."

I sigh and said" Okay but Be careful, leon."

Leon nodded once with a small smile directed towards us, turning away finally to watch his step on the platform. Immediately, the gears started to roll, taking Leon across the lava pit towards the other side.

I watched the gears at work, stretching the distance between us and Leon considerably. Once the gears got towards the other side, Leon stepped off and disappeared behind the large door.

I look at ashely who seems worried about leon while carrying the tablets tightly in her hands so i took a deep breathe and said" Hey ashley, why don't we sit over here? We could wait for leon"

She nodded me as i gently grabbed ahold of Ashley's hand, gently tugging her away from this place. She followed me, leading her down a hallway where i spotted a large two seated rail cart. 

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