Operation: Degeneration

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(A/N I made this chapter for the first time....Again but this time i change differently from Resident Evil Degeneration so i hope you enjoy reading this)

In November 5, 2005

Kira pov

It's been 3 months that ever since neuro doesn't want to talk to me. I feel regret that i should've tell him that cyber calls him because the BSAA found spencer's hideout but instead i made him worst due to the news from cyber that spencer was killed by albert wesker. I thought that we could teach neuro how to experience of having fun and relax but in the end........he still won't forgive me for what i've done.

I was sitting in the airport, looking at the arrival board while troy has to remain with the RV at the parking lot. My eyes glance over until i saw the plane i was looking for. "Flight 534 now is arriving at gate thirteen from New York City." The announcer went over the speakers.

It was such a beautiful day outside; i wished that george's plane would arrive already. Ever since when we arrived at Harvardville airport where there's so many people who were the myriad of human rights demonstrators surrounding the airport, protesting his involvement with and support of WilPharma, and their alleged research into the t-virus.

I did a deep sigh and said" I can't believe that senator davis is going to be here to talk about the WilPharma Company. I bet he was having a bad day of coming here"

"Now arriving at gate nine, flight 873 from England," the announcer came over the speaker. This was the flight where george was on, and i started to head toward gate nine to meet him.

George Mcoppins walked off the plane with his carry-on luggage and he smiled at his dear friend standing at the gate to greet me. He hadn't seen me for years until he said with a smile" Kira!"

I walk to him and hug him since he's my father's friend as i said with smile" George!! Long time no see"

He said" It's been awhile ever since you left and go with neuro for his mission. I went to london to visit my sister-in-law to celebrate my nephew's birthday. But to think that i came all the way to see you. How was your day?"

I said" I"m fine. Let's just say.....neuro went on the solo mission to seek and destroy the virus for months while me and my friend troy remain in the RV for nothing"

George said" Really? I remember you three went to the Delmarva city just to have fun in the Funland. So how is it? Did neuro begin to experience to have fun"

I said" Yeah but except......" which he notice my sad look. "........I made him worst."

He said" Oh? What happened?" so i explained to him everything which made him surprise.

George said" Oh dear! So you messed up and made neuro angry wasn't it?"

I said" Even though i wanted to apologise to him but i had a feeling that he won't forgive me. After all he didn't talk to me for 3 months, i guess he's still mad about me"

He felt pity for me and said" I know how you feel, kira but sometimes it'll takes time for him to think about it. Anyway what brings me here to this city?"

I answered" Well you see......Cyber ask me to bring you here because he needs your help to fix the engine"

George said" Fix the engine? But i thought cyber was the one to fix the engine even for you"

I said" He was but neuro won't allow me to help cyber so instead he needs you to help cyber to fix the engine because you're the only who knows how to repair and use some spare parts besides he still angry at me"

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