Operation Las Plagas pt 3

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Neuro pov

I can't believe that lady; Ada. She's always had a flair for the dramatic. Huh...I guess it comes with the territory if you're that sexy of course but i still don't trusted her.

Leon check to make sure none of his firearms got lost in the ensuing chaos, we climbed out of the boat and onto the slick rocks that led toward the path before us. When we made it safely onto solid ground, leon's communications device began to beep.

Troy said" Huh its ringing...I wonder who could it be, leon? Is it her?"

Leon said" More way to find out"

I watched leon when he accepted the call, he was once again hoping to see the bright and cheery image of Ingrid Hunnigan, but the hope faded as the purple hooded face of Osmund Saddler came into the view screen, his face expressionless. 

Leon spoke first "I hate to break it to you, but Salazar's dead," 

"Yes," he replied, a tiny bit of remorse evident in his voice. "It seems that way."

He said"Saddler, why don't you give up and let Ashley go home?"

Saddler chuckled. "Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate."

I said softly with demeanor look" Well that's just rude"

Leon said"Saddler, you're small time" 

Saddler let out a big, hearty laugh, as if he just heard a very humorous joke. "Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend." The transmission ended, and we were left alone once again.

Troy said" Cage of torment, Big deal. I mean who the heck does he think he is?"

Leon said" You tell me" as i command cyber to hide itself which it made itself invisible using stealth mode

With that, he put the phone away and we began to jog quickly along the narrow beach path. The path itself was right on the water, and only a few feet wide. 

Coming to a turn, we saw off in the distance to the right what looked to be an edifice of some kind, but couldn't make out much more than that. The path itself led to a sheltered rock cave that was lit up by several lamps along the way. 

Soon after, we came to an intersection, but quickly saw that the way straight ahead led to a dead end, and that the path to the right was his only option. 

We cross over a tiny wooden bridge, the path turned to the right again until we hear a loud female scream for help cut through the night air as we crouched down behind a couple of wooden crates, an unmistakable, familiar scream.

Troy said" That voice!....Leon, was that-?"

Leon said" Ashley!"

Even though our view was obstructed, we knew the sound was coming from somewhere straight ahead from us, close. What leon couldn't see was a man going up a set of stairs which led to somewhere within the rock. Ashley was slung over his shoulder, and she was pounding her small fists on his back in a feeble attempt to break free from his grip. 

Walking in the opposite direction, coming down the stairs was a small group of men, three or four their number, all of them armed. These men were not the peasant villagers and religious acolytes that we had to contend with back in the castle and nearby pueblo-they were a new brand of ganadosunfamiliar to us. These were commando and mercenary forces, hired by Saddler to keep order on the island facility while the dirty work of the Los Illuminados was being carried out.

These men were not dressed in the dirty and ragged peasant-style clothing of their fellow countrymen, but were sporting various types of army fatigues, thick jackets and vests, bandanas, and flak jackets. Not only were they built to withstand a bit of abuse, but they were armed with various manners of weapons-crossbows, flails, but also electric shock prods and axes. 

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