Operation Uroboros pt 1

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Tricell Company in Amsterdam(A/N i made it up the place for the Tricell Company, okay!)

Night had fallen over the capital of the Netherlands, and the Tricell building was silent. There security guards who were on duty and went on their patrol of the building. However unbeknownst to them, the invisible figure passby them, sneaking through the hallway without getting detected.

2 guards walked through another hallway then walks down to the left corridor of the hallway but they didn't see the invisible figure sneak in and hurried across the room and then came across the server room.

The invisible figure who turns out to be Neuro who infiltrates the building along with his A.I partner, Cyber who hacked in, entering the passcode so they can enter without getting detected as they went inside.

They made it to the server room and cyber hacks into one of the data server so that they could collect some dark secret of the Tricell Company. Before cyber was about to download the rest of them until something triggers a firewall to prevent cyber to download the rest and causes to set the alarm which caught their attention.

Cyber look at neuro and said" Sir, it would appears that we've been detected."

Neuro said" Tch! Looks like it's our time for us to escape!" before the security guards came into the server room with their guns.

They look around the server room to seek the intruder but they didn't notice them who were still invisible and sneak passby them without getting spotted.

They continue to sneak away from the security guards and head to the exit door where there's stairs that leads to the top of the building.

Once they made to the top of the building, they deactivate their stealth mode and cyber informs him that he only manage to steal the half of the datas, much to the disappointed but cyber did found something interesting about an evolve-las plagas and it was located in Africa.

Neuro smiled which intrigues him so he hold cyber and activate his nexus power that allows him to grant a blue-fire wings and flies into the sky, fleeing from the building.


The next day, At the Unknown Place

The room was dark, full of sinister anticipation, the air heavy with a dangerous gloomy fog.

Two people were currently in the room, lit up by one dim window on a dull concrete wall. One man was forced to his knees by mysterious women, holding him against his will, forcing him not to move and speak. 

He gazed down at the ground, his fingers digging into the fabric of his pants. Heavy sweat dripped from his brow, his body trembling and shaking from the mysterious woman who injected him.

He watched from the corners of his eye as the mysterious woman began a small pace around him, the clicks her indigo heels ringing in his ears, followed by the ruffle sounds of her black murky cloak. He recalled her face as he was taken away from his family, a masked woman hidden behind the hood, the face of a crow with beady red eyes.

Then his arm lashed out towards the black crow woman, grabbing ahold of her forearm. His mouth opened on contact, letting out a rather terrified string of gurgled cries. His eyes began to dull out, wide with agony as a cloud of black mites began to cover his corneas, blinding his as soon as they reached towards the pupils.

Black crow woman yanked her arm away from his weakening grip, watching as his body fell forward, his other hand unable to support himself up right.

The man's body began convulsing from his chest, black little tentacles falling from inside his clothes, leaking a black slimy substance to the ground.

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