Operation Javier pt 2

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Krauser pov

Once we entered, i had never seen such a huge array of plants as i asked in awe "What is this?" 

Manuela answered "It's a greenhouse," and leon said "More like a botanical garden,"  

Cyber scanned the area of the greenhouse and said" I scan that this place may look like normal plants but only some of them is filled with vernoica virus"

Mysterious boy said" Is that so? Guess we should be careful from those plants" as we walk when i looked in shock as a plant bigger than a human in the middle caught his attention. 

"What the hell is that?!" I looked in shock, yelling and complaining at the same time until i noticed the same reptiles with blades attached to their hands once again. 

Leon grumbled, "What?! Not again!"

Mysterious boy bring out his 2 guns and said" Huh guess some of the monsters doesn't know when to quit" 

It jumped down, shaking the ground due to its height and moved towards us carefully, its blades at the ready. Cyber guard manuela while the three of us aimed at its twitching muscles that was exposed carefully before we pulled the trigger. 

The monster staggered backwards, growling in pain while we continued to shoot at its weak spot and it was seen growling in despair, falling onto the ground.

Manuela spoke, "Come on!" beckoning us to move when i spoke.

I said in shock, "Leon, look!" pointing at a body in a small bush on their right. Leon looked at the body for a few seconds before he identified the body.

Leon growled slightly, "That's the former researcher from Umbrella. Shit, we needed to question him," 

I was about to reply but the mysterious boy replied first "Well, he's no good to us now...How pity he was"

We continued to walk below the metal catwalk. "We have no choice. We gotta go up," I suggested, looking at the road below. It was blocked by plantation.

Leon walked quickly but carefully, aiming his pistol at the catwalk in case anything showed up. As soon as the four of us managed to reach the top, Leon looked back at the entrance to make sure that there was nothing behind us. 

Out of the blue, a creature growled and landed onto the catwalk once Leon turned his head back, startling him. However, his instincts forced him to leaping back to avoid the attacks from the toad-like creature. 

He pulled the trigger a few times but instead, sparks flew out from the catwalk with the monster landing onto the platform smoothly without harm. I shot at the monster, instantly killing it with a few shots.

Manuela yelled, "Look out!" 

We rushed immediately to the front and leapt onto the ground. Something heavy crashed behind us, tearing the catwalk into half and the scraps of metal were below us now. Leon looked at the torn platform that was just behind us, still lying down but he leapt to his feet and ran as soon as the reptile-like monster jumped onto the platform to face the four of us. 

Mysterious boy said" Tch...This is the waste of time" as he dragged Manuela, dragging her along and cyber follows them while we evade the monster that continue to chase after us.

"We need to get outta here!" Leon yelled, sending a few bullets to the creature, only to bounce of its skin. Leon stood still this time, aiming carefully but he missed. However i manage to shot its twitching muscle that is exposed, knocking the creature off its feet before it died.

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