Operation Uroboros pt 4

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(A/N Sorry i took so long. I was very busy due to a part-time job because I had double shift. And it took me a long time to think of ideas but at least i manage to finish this chapter so i hope you enjoy reading this.)

Neuro pov

After killing swarm of the infected majini, we hurried down to the lower floor and they took out more of the Infected. We hurried through the room, dropping down into the tunnel, killing the infected in our way, reaching the end, and killed the infected majini in our way again one by one.

Then we began climbing out of the hall and into pulls ourselves into another room, we killed off the Infected majini, we were about to head to the stairway until an Infected majini appeared in front of us. Before descending down the steps, we sees a muscular guy with a Gatling-gun and an ammo case strapped to his back.

I exclaimed" Are you kidding me?!"

Sheva called out "Their weapon just keeps getting bigger! Take cover!" as the three of us dive out of the way and the Gatling-Gun Majini opens fire onto us.

Chris, Sheva and i took cover on the floor where the stairway lead to. We were on a lower floor and the higher floor was more like a platform.

The Gatling-Gun Majini began descending down the steps. Before reaching the bottom, he fired his weapon in our direction. Chris switched to a sniper rifle as Gatling-Gun Majini fired his weapon.

When the gunfire ceased, Gatling-Gun Majini began making his way towards us. Meanwhile, Chris stood up. he raised his weapon, peered into the scope, then he took aim on the Gatling-Gun Majini's head.

As chris was firing his head - knocking his red beret off his head, revealing his shiny bald head in the second shot - Gatling-Gun Majini was heading towards him and Sheva.

Chris continued to put more bullets on the sniper rifle to reload it again but i peered out from cover, seeing the Gatling-Gun Majini heading straight to Sheva so i came out from cover and begin to charge at him which caught Gatling-Gun Majini'a attention.

Gatling-Gun Majini aims his weapon at me but i did a smirk when i uses my power to flash-step to dodge the enemy's attack then i jumps on, bringing out my sword and landed atop of his Gatling-Gun as i launches at him, slicing the head off before Gatling-Gun Majini drops down.

Chris and Sheva peer out from cover and saw the Gatling-Gun Majini was dealt with, they immediately came out from cover and Chris said to me" Good job, Neuro."

We hurried up the stairs and run over towards the door. Chris uses the keycard that he swiped and accesses the door then they headed right through it.

We looked around the room and spotted Infected majini aiming rockets at us as Sheva exclaimed "Rocket launcher!"

I exclaimed" Seriously!" which we immediately bail to cover as the rocket collided with one of the crates ahead and got exploded but the explosion missed us.

Chris, me and Sheva took cover from one of the crates. Chris switched his weapon to a sniper rifle again, then immediately stood up and he took aim at the infected majini's rocket.

Sheva and i watch Chris when he was about to fired the majini's rocket, another rocket is aiming towards Chris which made him took cover again as the explosion shook the place.

Once the smoke cleared, Chris stood up again, peering into the scope, then he pointed it towards the right and zoomed the scope in as he spotted another infected Majini with rocket launcher including the another as well.

Chris began to fire one of them but he missed the targets. Both of Majini on the platform and one is on the lower floor who continue to shoot us with their rocket launchers which he took cover again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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