Operation Las Plagas pt 1

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(A/N I'm going to add a new character in Resident evil 4 but this time a teenage boy who used to live in remote village and escape together with ashely until they got separate so instead he could find someone to help him until he became neuro's second companion) 

6 years in april 24, 2004. (A/N i made it up the dates okay plus neuro goes to mission sometimes after 4 years and sometimes having vacation which only kira to relax while neuro loaded some anti-virus on weapons but now its 6 years)

At night

Neuro pov

In a small town called japser(Like jasper, nevada from transformer prime but different) which is located in the United States of America. I heard the news from cyber that there's several monsters roaming the town but everyone manage to evacuate except some of them didn't survive which many police can't handle them but the several BSAA soldiers came to destroy monsters

Inside the building which the BSAA soldiers didn't know because they were outside, i broke the door and run to the hallway because i was chased by 4 monsters that looks like a Human-reptile known as Hunters(α) but i feel having fun.

I look back at them and said" Huh!....For a mutant-hunters like you, you four aren't fast enough!" as i broke to another door where it has exit door but i run upstair which they still chasing me 

I made it to the rooftop when they catch up and about to kill me but i exclaimed" Not bad but let's see how you can land on your feet!" as i jump off the building which they shouldn't follow me instead they just fell as well

I was falling while i can see 4 hunters were falling but one of them were about to claw at me, i pulled out my yin-pistol gun and shoots at them. 

I put away my gun as i did a double-flip which i activate my power and my eye change into light blue with slit-pupil that shoots out a blue flame from my left eye

As i landed on the ground with such an impact that it can break the ground beneath me, leaving a large crater and the 4 hunters falls to the ground, splatting in blood of death.

I did a crouch position which i never knew i don't feel pain when i landed on the ground using my power. Could it be the veronica virus that made the nexus virus stronger since 4 years ago? so i stand up from the ground, looking at my U-watch which it shows that the B.O.W creatures were no more its like the BSAA soldier have already terminate them

I felt disappointed but at least my work here is done even now i know what capable of this new power so i was about to leave until i didn't know 2 soldiers of BSAA were there and seems surprise

They pointed their guns at me and one of them said" You! Identify yourself!" 

I sighed and turn around to them which made them shock when they see my left eye with blue flames though good thing they cannot see my face because i covered in hood with mask(Like Kakashi Hatake mask from naruto)

The other soldier exclaimed" T-That's him! The Demon Eye!" and i groaned" Oh boy!" as one of them begin to shoot at me but i lift my left arm, creating a flammable shield that was made of blue flames and the bullets were dissipated

The other said" What the!? How did he-?" but one of the soldiers stop him and said" I don't know how he do that but our orders was to capture him. Dead or alive" which surprises me but i decided not to get caught 

So i begin to run and they started to come after me while shooting at me. As i run to the side of alley when i noticed that it is a dead end, i turned around when they raised their guns at me and one of them said" It's over now, The Demon Eye!"

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